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Phil had only ever mentioned the cabin by the lake once but thankfully I remembered where it is.

He had it built just a few years back. I didn't even know about it until construction was almost completed, it was actually by accident that I had found out about it at all.

At first I thought he was building it for me, as some sort of reclusive vacation home but once I brought it up to him I knew I couldn't be further from the truth.

He had told me, back when we were together, that if at anytime I ever needed a place to stay or a place to hide I could use this cabin, though I know he was just trying to be nice. I had been tempted to use it when he first kicked me out but I knew with how everything ended that he wouldn't have approved, that and it was in the middle of nowhere.

I called the police from my cell and when they recieved no answer from the police, the police that had been called to the cabin, they knew that it was an emergency.

"We are calling in S.W.A.T, but that may take awhile." The woman had said sounding completely frantic.

In small towns like these the "most exciting" thing that happens is a DUI or maybe even a break in but never murders, especially of officers. I would have continued to talk to her on the phone but as I continued to drive further and further from civilization my signal got weaker and weaker. Eventually I lost the call altogether, now driving in silence on gravel back roads with nothing to think about besides them and if they were alive.

The trees seemed to go on forever as I menuvered my way through them but that didn't stop me from pressing down on the gas pedal so hard my foot started cramping up.

"They could be gone already." I said outloud. "They could be dead along with the officers."

The vault flashed into my mind, the silver impenetrable metal box hidden away, they couldn't get in there, could they? I visioned Phil, Derek, Alex and even Kate holding her sweet baby confined in its walls.

I was so tempted to call back but I knew better. If Phil needed something he would call, if he could call.

Then I found it. I saw the blue sign hanging around the aged tree telling me that this was the place.

My eyes followed the dirt road that eventually lead to the house as I stay parked just outside of it the tree offering me shade from the setting sun.

I don't turn down its path but instead continue driving north leaving the cabin behind me. 


His gun was clasped firmly in his grip, the barrel pointing to the floor. He stood as a guard would alert, attentive and utterly threatening. He was about our age but with muscles the size of the posts that held up the phone walls of this hopefully secure house.

I could see her gun as well, or at least the outline of it behind her back tucked firmly inside the back of her jeans and that gave some comfort.

When she had told me she had shot before I had to believe her but I had no idea that these men would were so vicious that they would without even a pause murder 12 police officers.

I rocked Nora in my arms gently and handed the walkie-talkie over to Alex. She slightly smiled.

"Never knew a man could cry on command like that." She said not taking her eyes off of Kate.

"Its a gift." I say switching my focus from Kate to Nora.

Kate had now stopped crying but continued to rock "Nora" back and forth. Thankfully we had found a blanket thick enough that would work.

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