Unnecessary Argument

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"If he's with his wife." I mumbled. "Its ok." 

"He's not. With her I mean. He was uh.." She said as her eyes danced around the room obviously keeping a secret.

"then where—" I said but was then cut off.

"He was arrested. He started swearing at some guy. I only caught the end of the argument but then the other guy, Derek, I think his name is punched him in the face. I had been in the bathroom when it had started. I think there is something I need to tell you." Alex said her eyes now only looking at me.

"What is it?" I asked finally feeling a bit better.

"I think Erica was having, or rather is having an affair too. Kate, Erica's child isn't Phil's." She said asshe grabbed my hand softly, just had Phil had done earlier.

"So what does that mean?" I ask her not expecting an answer.

"I have no idea." She said still holding my hand.

"but there is one thought running through my mind." I said trying my best to sit up straight in bed.

"and what's that?" Alex asks me her warm hands trying to soothe mine.

"Phil told me he loved me, before I passed out and I think, I think, I love him too."


"You are each allowed one phone call, use it wisely." The police man said to both us as we still sat together on the bench I inside the station.

"Is this really all necessary? I am not going to press charges or anything." I ask him while subconsciously pulling at my restrained arm.

"You will be charged in the morning, if you don't want to make your calls—"

"Oh, I do." Derek interrupted.

"Ok then you can go first." She answered seemingly uninterested in the two of us, black circles hanging below her eyes.

"Call Erica." I said to him as he was getting his cuffs removed to make his call. "She can get the bail money for the both of us."

"Ok. I will." He said rubbing at his now uncuffed wrists.

Who would I call? I can't call Kate, she might not even be... she might be... I can't even think about it.

I have to put that out of my mind. The woman I love is laying in a hospital bed or worse and here I am arrested for fighting with my wife's lover. What did I care if she was fooling around? Last week I sent over the divorce papers to my attorney to have them looked over, I was, am, serious about moving past Erica. I knew she wasn't happy, or at least she wasn't happy with me.

Maybe being arrested was just karma for our actions. I wasn't one to ever be violent but here I was yelling, screaming but a part of me understands what he is thinking. I understand him because I have been him. I have fallen for Erica, her looks, her personality, her wit, but now it was as if I couldn't see anything but the bad in her, the lies, the inappropriate spending, the selfishness, the obsession with clothes, make up, jewelry. I wanted something more substantial and hopefully with Kate I will have that. If she even wants me after all this. If she ever wanted me at all. 

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