My Beautiful Blondes

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Nora Elizabeth and Katherine Josie, the two most amazing women I have ever known, well except for my own mother.

It was at that very second I recieved a call from her, one that I had been expecting.

"How could you not tell me I would be having another grandbaby. Your father and I are on our way down there and expect a warm welcome from the two of you. Erica must be exhausted and I know you two need all the help you can get."

"Mom, I told you about the baby and that it's not with Erica. I'm not with her anymore, remember?" I say from the hospitals uncomfortale chair beside Kate. She lifted a finger to her lips and pointed to our daughter telling me to be a bit quiter because Nora had fallen asleep.

"Ah thats right son, my memory isn't what it used to be." She said sounding slightly frail. "You're father is going to help me out here soon but once he does we will leave to see you." Then I hear her kiss into the phone, her personal trademark.

"Ok mom, you and dad drive safe." I say now smiling at Kate and trying to keep my voice down.

"So I guess my parents are coming in a few days." I say shrugging my shoulders to Kate.

"Now isn't exactly the best time is it?" She asks then lets out a big yawn.

"Well they were very helpful before." I said in almost a whisper.

"Well thats good."she said just as softly her eyes now partially closed.

"But I don't think it will be like that this time." I say now feeling sad.

"Why's that?" As she breathes out in a yawn again.

"My mom. She's not as well as she was and.."

Then she was asleep, literally in the middle of my sentence Kate fell asleep.

And as I looked over to her I realized that Nora had woken up her eyes beautiful and green just like mine.

I carefully removed her from Kate's arms and then with the utmost of care picked her up. She remained silent, thankfully, meaning that Kate could sleep if only for awhile. I couldn't be happier as I held my daughter for the first time. She is beautiful.

A little blonde tuft of hair situated on the top of her head couldn't help but grab my attention. I looked to Nora and then to her mother.

"I have two beautiful blondes." I whisper to Nora softly.

I rocked her gently in my arms until she went back to sleep making circles around the small hospital room.

She is perfect and she is ours.

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