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The weekend passed quickly, having to spend most of it catching up on sleep It felt like it hadn't really happened at all. The weather didn't help either. Storms rolled in early sunday morning and prohibited me from my scheduled 3 mile run.

Though my phone was never more than a foot away from me I never heard it chime. He hadn't texted me anymore and that was a good thing, right? He probably changed his mind about me, in fact I hope he has. There are so many men in this world, why is it that the only one showing an interest has to be married.

He was atrractive I could give him that. I know for a fact that he could have any women he could ever ask for, all he would have to do is open his wallet, for many girls that's all they need.

Money was never a factor for me when it came to men. I made a good living doing what I do, not making millions of course but having enough to pay the bills and have a good chunk in savings, so looking for a man I paid attention to who he was knowing I could easily support thevtwo of us.

I had dated a few men in the past few years but none of them all that great of guys. It seems for the past several drama free, boyfriend free months I have actually been happy. Then I had to fuck a married stranger in an elevator and change all that.

My cell was two achingly feet away from me but I couldn't get myself to text her again. I want to know everything about her but it was in that second that my wedding ring started burning my finger.

The embedded gold band securly attacted to my ring finger pulled me into its blackhole of dispair. I'm not 22 anymore, I can't just have one night stands and expect to have no consequences or feel nothing.

Kate is amazing or so what I know about her so far is amazing... Maybe she isn't... maybe I was just craving intimacy so badly that the sex we had made it seem like she was great. I don't think I believe that though.

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