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I could feel his eyes continue to linger on me, even in our tenebrous surroundings. His dark almost black eyes had been trailing me almost constantly, but a part of me, wished that I didn't enjoy it. I'm not the type of woman to just fall for a man based on his longing looks or his pocketbook, but something about him was more preeminent than most other men. I couldn't come up with any other reason but the fact that it felt like I already knew him, or at least the "public him". I had seen his slightly freckled face, heard his light airy voice, and could recognize his odd sense of humor anywhere. Could these be the reasons why I was so comfortable with is, somewhat unwelcomed, leering? I knew he was married before he so casually slipped that into the conversation, so why did he continue his inappropriate behavior? I couldn't help but get the sense that it wasn't a normal thing for him, as it came off almost awkward, anyone with more experience in the act of flirting wouldn't make such obvious mistakes.

"You alright?" He asks actually sounding concerned.

"I'm as good as I can be in this situation, though it would be a perfect time to have my night-light." I joked.

Then there is a break in the darkness, emitting from his cell phone. I could see the familiar smile show on his face as he sets his phone screen up in the center of the elevator.

I looked him over quickly and he looked so comfortable, especially for someone in a suit and tie. They were now wrinkled and collecting dust the longer he sat on the uncomfortable floor, but that didn't seem to faze him.

"As much as I would like for there to be a light, I would hate for you to use all your phones battery, who knows maybe we could pick up a signal in a while."

Without a word he picks up his phone once again, turning it off and bringing us back to darkness.

"So what does your normal Friday night look like, assuming you don't make loitering in small spaces part of your regular plans?" He asks me.

"Well." I say feeling my throat dry up, just now noticing how thirsty I had become, "usually when I finish the mountains of paperwork, I drive home."

"Then what?"

"Well on Fridays I like to have a drink, maybe order some dinner, then put on a movie."

"I wish I had the time for that. My nights are always a little less relaxing but I guess that's kinda what I signed up for."

"Well when you run your own business that's to be expected right?"

"If that were the only obstacle I would have much easier nights."

"Oh right, your kid and wife." I say as almost an afterthought in a very hushed tone.

He responds in a similar quieted voice. "Having a child and wife isn't for the weak-willed."

"I bet." I answer.

I can feel the almost palpable tension in the air surrounding us and knew that I want it to dissipate as soon as possible, so I did what I usually did to rid of the awkwardness.

"You know I'm glad I'm stuck in here with you." I breathe out, knowing it was a half-truth that now felt like more of a nervous.

"Oh?" He asks.

"There are so many far worse people that I could have to endure this little "time in the darkness" with and I'm glad it's with someone that's at least moderately sane."

"Who could be worse than someone you don't know though? I would think that would be the worse than dealing with someone you are already familiar with." He answers. I can hear him shuffling on the floor, presumably trying to get comfortable.

"You haven't met Steve." I chuckle, picturing my co-workers attempt at being suave and always failing miserably, at least with me. I think I had turned into a little competition for him but I can't be sure, though now that it had become a regular thing I couldn't help but see that as truth.

"He couldn't really be that bad, right?" He says with a disbelief in my words in his voice.

"He isn't awful, He's just one of those guys that thinks way too highly of himself. He sees himself as some sort of "perfect being" and will not have anyone else tell him otherwise." I say now picturing Steve's wardrobe, always perfectly tailored but never a good sense of style, in my own opinion.

"That makes me glad that I myself don't have to deal with crazy flirtatious men. Wait, I take that back there was one instance."

"Do tell."

"There was this man that had sent me, and I swear, nearly 30 emails. After receiving so many I couldn't help but open one and what I saq was.. well.. not exactly what I expected."

"How so?"

"He had made a video of himself proposing, and at first I thought it was to like a girlfriend, or boyfriend but then he mentioned my name and well, I couldn't help but stop the video there."

"So you never wrote him back to tell him thatthough your heart ached for him, your body just couldn't take "it"." I say laughing so hard I could barely get the words through.

"Hey, he was a handsome guy, I'm just more attracted to women. Ones that don't propose to me via strange video shot in a bedroom covered in homemade posters of my face." He jokes. "Ah, the never-ending joys of being famous just keep on comin'."

"There has to be at least some benefits though?"

"Well no matter how much money I have I will never be Steve from your office, so there's that."

I laugh again.

"Do you ever miss the "normal" life" I ask purely out of curiosity.

"More than you would ever realize. I mean I love my life and I don't think I could change it, but there are so many things I miss about being "normal""

"Like what, being normal really isn't all that it's cracked up to be"

"Well honestly, I miss conversations like this with people. Most people treat me so differently because of my fame that it's hard to even live happily. The nervousness of strangers when they meet me effect my everyday choices, just going to the grocery store can be overwhelming at time. Most are either so fan-crazed and want autographs or don't treat me like a human being, just something to be photographed. They don't know how to have a normal conversation without feeling nervous or star struck."

I stay quiet not knowing how to respond.

"Part of me likes being stuck in this elevator, just having a minute to actually sit and relax and talk to an actual human being without all the weirdness being there. Do you get that?"

"Yes, I understand what you're saying."

I hear him start to shuffle again, and I could swear he was moving closer to me. 

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