Chapter 7: Staring at the Emptiness

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(2nd Person's POV)

You reached the busy streets of Japan as people roamed around, on their way home after a long day of work or stop by a diner for dinner or a bar for a drink. There was a whiff of unpleasant cigarette smoke lingering in the air as you waved your hand in front of your nose with a disgusted face. The streetlights twinkled beautifully as it got darker, you looked down your phone and then back up to see your family's restaurant where a long line of waiting customers was standing outside.

"Wow, that's a crowded place!" you mused, sweat dropping. You crossed the streets and didn't bother to wait in line as you went straight for the door, earning some glares from the customers who thought that it was rude.

"I'm sorry, young miss, but you have to wait in line if you'd like to eat in our restaurant" the hostess stated politely.

"I'm just here to see my parents, I'm Eguchi Kaya" you said, you heard soft gasps from the standing customers and the hostess's eyes widened. "O-Okay! Right this way, Eguchi-San!" she guided you inside the full restaurant, people's chatter voices and clinking sounds of utensils echoed in the diner as you walked behind her, to kitchen.

Inside, the chefs were all busy and concentrated on their cooking, they were fast at chopping the ingredients, grilling, and preparing sauces. And as soon as your eyes spotted Masahi and Mayumi, they went wide as you were shocked. You saw nothing but blur by how unbelievably fast they were cooking, even faster than the rest of the chefs! You focused your eyes on your dad cutting the salmon in one quick motion, the knife cut through the fish like butter. Then you saw your mom whisking the cream in such a perfect way, mixing the ingredients all to become one. You were astonished. Was this what they learned at the oh so great Totsuki academy?! No human is even that quick in cooking! You know how to cut things, but you are the slowest ever! Their timings were also perfect, they didn't miss one second while preparing the food. Everything has to be perfect for the customers, as soon as the oven goes ding, the food inside comes out all hot and ready to be served. Though this sounds like a huge pressure to you if you were ever a chef.

Soon, the kitchen staff noticed your presence, their eyes full of curiosity as they stared at the customer standing by the kitchen door. The hostess smiled and called your parents, "Masahi-San, Mayumi-San, your daughter is here!". Your parents broke their concentration and turned their gazes from the food to the door, and it was clear that they were surprised to see you.

"Kaya, what are you doing here?!" Mayumi asked. "I uhh...I wanted to stop by" you rubbed the back of your neck nervously, your stomach suddenly growled since looking at the scrumptious food being cooked made you hungry.

"Well then, we're glad you're here, honey pot! Now tell daddy what you want to eat?" Masahi grinned like an idiot, you hissed at the nickname he usually calls you at home, but in front of people!

"Dad, don't call me that! Not in front of people!" you gritted your teeth, cheeks burning up as the kitchen staff were trying to hold in their giggles. Letting out a sigh, you briefly thought about what you were craving at the moment.

"'Chicken Curry Rice'" you said. "And for dessert? You like something sweet after having something salty!" Mayumi inquired with a closed-eye smile.

"Your 'Honey Yogurt Mousse'" you replied, returning the smile. "Okay! Then, give her an empty table, please" Masahi said to the hostess.

"Yes, sir! Please follow me, Eguchi-San" she gestured for you to follow her. "Thanks, and just call me Kaya" you smiled at her, she returned the smile and nodded, taking you to a recently empty table. "You're lucky, there weren't any empty tables, and this one just became available".

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