Chapter 38: The Awkwardness

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(Kaya's POV)

I walked down the creepy hallway; it was oddly quiet considering that there was a commotion a while back before we started cooking. The animals must've stopped running around and that girl got them under control, the toxic smoke is gone, though the smell still lingered in the air, and whoever caused this place to shake must've calmed down as well.

"Let's see, 304...304..." I whispered as I looked between the numbers of the doors. Well, here's Soma's room 303, so, mine should be right next across from his.

"Here it is. Fucking finally" I muttered under my breath as I finally opened my dorm room, switched the light on. I walked in, leaving my luggage right outside as I scanned the room for a little bit. It was a really simple room, might as well be a small apartment. On the left corner was a single bed, in front of it was a desk with a chair. A simple wardrobe sat across from the desk, and on the right side of the room, there was a small kitchen with a small stove, with cupboards as well, and a mini fridge!

"Huh, not bad. Not bad at all" I nodded with smile. "Though it needs a little bit of my touch. Sadly, I don't have the stuff I need at the moment, but I can bring them from home later" I walked out and grabbed my luggage so I can unpack. Of course, the first thing I did was taking out my cleaning kit which included a small pack of gloves, sprays, and wet wipes, and began cleaning the place. It's bad enough that I'll have a hard time sleeping in a place that's not my home nor my own bedroom, at least it should be clean. I wiped the wardrobe from the inside and the outside, then the desk, then fluffed the pillows and sprayed it with a sterilizing spray, then I started cleaning the small kitchen.

"Ugh, I knew it! This place is full of dust and dirt!" I mumbled with a grimaced face. Once I was finally done with cleaning, I let out a breath. "Finally, now I can unpack" the first thing I did was arranging my clothes in the wardrobe. Then, I took out my school uniform and hung it up on the wall, right next to the desk. I took out my make-up kit, and skin care kit and placed them on my desk with a small mirror that can light up, then took out my school supplies. My laptop, my notebooks, pens and pencils and all that, all placed on the desk. Lastly, I took out my vanilla and cinnamon scented candle and lit it. I stood and let out a content sigh with a smile, and my hands rested on my hips.

"Okay! Clothes are arranged. School supplies and my beauty stuff are on my desk. And my candle is lit! Ugh, finally! Now I can relax, and take a really nice, hot bath an-...".

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I was suddenly cut off by a loud scream which made me jump and looked out my opened door that showed the dark hallway like a scary movie.

"Wh-Who was screaming?? And why did they scream?!" I asked myself, shaking in my place. I hurried out and scanned the hallway, there wasn't anybody around.

"I think the scream came from that way" I mused, rushing down the hall to where the screaming came from. Damn it, I knew this place is fucking haunted! Once I arrived, I quickly slid the door open, only to regret it soon.

"WH-WHAT'S GOING O-..." I instantly stopped talking after I saw...


The red head froze in his spot, his eyes wide and his cheeks were as red as cherry tomatoes! I realized that I stared for too long and quickly covered my eyes.

"AH! SOMA, WHAT THE HELL??!" I screamed. I could feel my face burning with heat. I heard movements as he panicked.

"I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!!" he yelled and ran out of what I assumed is the bathroom. Uncovering my eyes, I sighed in relief after he left.

" looked nice" I snickered, then shook my head and cleared my throat. "So, this is the dorm's bathroom" I thought, looking around.

"Excuse me, is anyone here? Are you okay??" I asked. "Y-Yes..." I heard a girl mumbled, I walked in and saw someone I didn't expect to see.

"Megumi?!" my eyes widened; she had the same expression as well. "K-Kaya-Kun??".

"Wow, I didn't expect to see you! So, you live here?" I asked, smiling at the soaking wet bluenette.

"Yeah! I just got into bath, it's the girls' bath time now" she informed, she seemed a bit nervous which made me raise a brow slightly before noticing the steam coming out of the bath.

"Wow, the water looks so tempting! Okay, I'll be right back!" I scurried back to my room and grabbed my towel and other bath supplies and returned to the bathroom. There were several cupboards with baskets in them, I stripped out of my clothes completely and put them in one of the baskets. Then went to wash my hair first, once I was done, I got into the hot tub with Megumi.

"Ahh, this feels so good~" I let out a sigh of satisfaction. "So, what exactly happened? I slide the door open and end up seeing Soma butt naked. I gotta say, this has been the weirdest day of my life" Megumi let out a small squeal as her face turned a deep shade of red.

"I-I-I was right here when I suddenly heard him outside, h-h-he opened the door a-and that's when I screamed..." she stammered, covering her face as soon as she finished. "Oh my god, he's an idiot!" I laughed, then slowly stopped as I looked around me.

"Ah, I just noticed; this is my first time being in a dorm on my own. I guess I'll be just fine here, at least I'm not alone" I thought, then remembered something.

"Hey, do you know how many students live here? I've only seen a girl with orange hair, but that's pretty much it" I suddenly asked. She nodded, "Well, They're a lot. I've been here for a while. The other residents are really nice, though".

"Hmmmm" I hummed in response. Feeling that I'm done now, I got out of the bathtub and wrapped the towel around my body. "Okay, I'll see ya later!" I said and headed back to my room.

After drying myself up, I wore black loose shorts, a white t-shirt, and a black jacket. I took out my phone and called someone I needed to talk to.

"Honey pot! So, how was school to-..." dad answered before I cut him off.

"You didn't tell me that the dormitory you and mom lived in was full of chaotic weirdos!" I spat. "What happened?" he asked.

"Well, let's see, I see a bunch of wild animals running around inside the building and chased by some girl, then I saw smoke that almost suffocated us but luckily it wasn't fire, then someone must've cluttered their room so much that the building shook like it was a fucking earthquake! Oh, and the head of the dorm keeps threatening people through the mic!" I answered, huffing my cheeks.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! So, things are the same even after years!" he laughed. "Wait! So, you and mom went through all that shit?!" I asked in disbelief.

"Sweetheart, me and your mom had seen worst things, and most of them were caused by me!" he bragged as if it was some sort of accomplishment.

"Ugh..." I groaned, rubbing my forehead as he continued. "You'll get used to it, so don't worry".

"Fine. Say hi to mom for me" I sighed. "Will do. Bye, honey pot" he hung up. I then laid down on my bed, as my eyes dozed off to sleep for a little while. It was a pretty long, tiring day, after all.

I could use some sleep...

"Hello, other transfer student!".


Chapter End.

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