Chapter 9: Counting the Days

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(2nd Person's POV)

"A fight in school! A fight. In. School!" Mayumi said as she aggressively chopped the ingredients at the restaurant, feeling frustrated after what had happened in school. "She never once got herself into a fight, let alone start one! Masahi, she's going through something and she's not telling us!".

After the teachers took you and Emiko to the principal's office, both of you got an earful from him about how fighting is prohibited in school grounds no matter what reason there is, and how it would severely affect the school's reputation, and all the nonsense that almost made you roll your eyes in front of him. And as a rich girl, the typical act coming from normal people was that the principal took it easy on you, but that didn't mean that he won't call your parents and inform them.

When your parents got the call, Mayumi freaked out, and she and Masahi had to leave work early and hurry to the school. Of course, being the adult one in the family, Mayumi apologized for your unnecessary behavior while Masahi struggled to hold his laughter, he somehow found this situation amusing. Masahi had always been a care-free guy, his laid-back attitude is what you loved about him. He wasn't only a caring father, but he was also a best friend to you. He always knew how to cut through thick and intense situations and lightens them up in order to prevent anything that'll make you feel uncomfortable. He doesn't take things seriously unless necessary.

And as always, being the rich family, things went easy for them as Emiko's parents let it go. But the thing is, even though Masahi was holding his laughter, his eyes pierced them like a pair of knives which made the other couple feel afraid. They understood the message as they hurried out of the principal's office with their daughter, not daring to look back.

However, that still didn't make things any easier for you. After all that chaos, you left school early and your parents dropped you off home, Mayumi scolded the hell out of you. And as for your punishment, no gaming for a week as she took away your game room's key so you can't get in before she and Masahi left.

"Calm down, babe, I'm sure there's a reason why Kaya got into a fight with that girl. But whatever reason it was, I still won't blame her! That girl looked like a total brat!" Masahi stated, chuckling as Mayumi rolled her eyes.

"Still, she should've used her voice instead of getting into a fist fight! I'm honestly scared because every day she turns more like you" she retorted, this would offense anyone, but Masahi took that as a compliment with open arms!

"Yeaaahh! She's daddy's girl!!" he cheered with a huge grin. Mayumi gawked at him with a dumbfounded look on her face before shaking her head.


A few months later...

(Kaya's POV)

Finally, summer vacation is near. I've already had enough of all this bullshit. But I can't feel excited. No, I can't feel anything anymore.

Ever since that day, I have no friends now. Though my classmates were still cool with me, but Emiko and Ren don't talk to me anymore. It's not like I wanted to talk to those bitches, anyways. But somehow, the entire school knew why me and Emiko got into a fight, and it was probably the most exciting and dramatic thing they have ever heard since they're clearly bored out of their minds. This made Emiko, Ren, and Haru's life almost a living hell. The students glared daggers at the trio wherever they went and whispered bad things about them, especially Haru. The other boys thought he was the biggest idiot in the world for not choosing someone like me, even his friend Akio couldn't believe it.

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