Chapter 41: The Unforgettable Night

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(2nd Person's POV)

"We're back!" Shoji and Daigo returned with pots in their hands, you smelled the aroma of the delicious food which made you want to try it.

"Huh, they sure make a lot of food for a small welcoming party" you thought as you took notice of the plates on the floor, not to mention the regular snacks such as chips, nuts, and some chocolates as well. Pillows were scattered around the floor as well, probably so they can sit on them instead of sitting on the cold wooden floors. The room sure is spacious for the residents of the dormitory, though you weren't sure if they are the entire residents, or if there are still more coming to this little gathering. But it doesn't look like that this dorm has a lot of students considering its...eerie outside appearance.

Then, the boy from my ceiling came in front of you and Soma, he was wearing a headband and a pink apron with a polite and friendly smile on his face. You were surprised to see him because for a minute you thought that he was a ghost haunting this dormitory. But apparently, everyone can see him, so that's a relief.

"Yukihira-Kun, Eguchi-Kun, welcome to the 'Polar Star' dormitory. We're glad to have you both here. Please call me Isshiki-Senpai" Isshiki-Senpai welcomed, shaking your and Soma's hands. You remembered that you were a bit rude towards him when he was in your room, you scratched your neck nervously.

"Thanks, Senpai. Uh...Listen, about before, sorry that I was rude to you" you spoke, furrowing your brows. Everyone was a little confused while he chuckled.

"Haha! No worries, Eguchi-Kun. You just got startled because of me" he said, ruffling your hair, and you couldn't help but blush.

"Huh? What? Did you two had a fight or something?" Soma couldn't help but ask. "Nah, I just found him in my ceiling and yelled at him for it" you blurted, earning a dumbfounded look from the red head.

"Yeah, he does that a lot", "It's creepy, man!" Shoji and Daigo stated.

"Well, anyways, I'm so happy to have you two join us! It means we have yet another comrade with whom to share our youth! There's nothing better! Listen, friends! We all live under the same roof and eat the same food. That's youth right there! The epitome of student life! I joined the dorm because I aspired to that kind of life. Now, let us savor this shining dorm life together! Let us create beautiful and unforgettable memories together! Let us live and appreciate each and every moment together!" Isshiki-Senpai expressed, dramatically. But he got weird looks from the other residents.

"Well, sure, but can you please stop getting us by crawling in the attic??" Shoji asked with crossed arms. "Yeah, man! That's really creepy!" Daigo added.

"Eh? Can't I? Well, I guess I'll just use the mic. Even Tadokoro comes when she's called" he asked, innocently. The poor bluenette started shivering with fear.

"B-B-Because if I don't come, y-you'll keep calling me..." Megumi said, recalling the time he kept whispering her name through the mic which sounded way too scary for her. You felt goose bumps in your body just by thinking about it. The boy seems to do weird stuff around in the dorm and the other residents have no choice but to adapt to it.

"Okay, he's cute and all. But if he tries to ruin my beauty sleep, I swear..." you thought, groaning. Things are going to be a lot different for you from now on. Cook all day, party all night!

"He'll eventually give up if you ignored him" Ryoko stated. "You're so conscientious" Yuki said, giggling.

"It'd be annoying to have him talk at us all the time" Daigo said with his hand on his hip. "Maybe the attic's better" Shoji sweat dropped.

"Uh...this dorm is full of weirdos" Soma blurted out. "Thank you! But you know, it's kinda fun" you said, chuckling. Soma looked at you and smiled.

"Okay, then! Everyone have their drinks?" Isshiki-Senpai raised his cup, as everyone did the same.

"Here's to Yukihira-Kun and Eguchi-Kun's success, and to the glory of 'Polar Star', cheers!" he said, cheerfully.

"CHEERS!!" everyone yelled together, raising their cups, and the party started! Shoji and Daigo served the food they brought a while ago, the guys were trying each other's foods while you and the girls were chatting and drinking rice juice. You ended up drinking more than one cup since somehow it tasted really good to you.

"HAHAHA! What's in this rice juice?? IT'S GOOD!" Soma shouted like crazy. "HAHAHAHAHA! OW...M-MY RIBS!" you laughed; you didn't even know why you were laughing. But you've been feeling quite tipsy after drinking that rice juice, which explains why! Soma started singing randomly, while the others clapped and dance. His singing was so bad, you ended up rolling on the floor.

"SOMA, YOU SUCK AT SINGING!" you pointed at him.

"HEY, YOU KNOW MY VOICE IS ANGELIC! YOU-YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS YOU CAN'T SING!" Soma yelled, grinning and pointing back at you.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! STO-...STOP IT! I'M DYING HERE!!" you laughed, as your eyes were teary, and your face was red.

"Food! We want more food! HAHA!" Soma demanded. "I need more rice juice! Where's the rice juice?? Hehehehe" you giggled like a total drunk person; body was swaying and the whole room felt like it was spinning in its place.

"N-N-No, no. Kay, d-don't drink a lot. Y-You won't...You'll miss all the yummy food, and you won't have space in-in your stomach" Soma drunkenly said, you looked at him with a pout.

"What?! No, I di-didn't drink a l-lot! C'mon, I barely had a...a cup!" you whined. "N-No, no, no. Yo-You, two, three...e-eight cups!" the red head counted.

"What?! N-No way!" your eyes widened.

"I'll bring what I made today, 'Smoked Cheese and 3 Kinds of Jerky'" Shun served, plainly. "Damn! check out the smoky saltiness!" Soma yelled, eating.

"Ibusaki's smoked food are always spot-on!" Marui praised. "Of course" Shun said, nonchalantly. "Oohh, it looks good!" You reached your hand and took one of the jerkies, biting on it. 

"Yummy! They're so good!" you moaned as you chewed on the jerky. Shun nodded without saying anything else.


Chapter End.

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