Chapter 48: A Rival, But A Friend

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(3rd Person's POV)

You were thinking about telling everyone in the dorm about why, and how you became a chef.

Actually, everyone in the whole school was curious about it, and the rumours were swarming all over.

Some said that you were bluffing to get attention, some said you bribed people to get into the school, and some other rumours, and they were not so pleasant to hear.

You, on the other hand, couldn't care less. Rumours were chasing you since middle school, but you lived with them, because you knew that they don't represent the real you.

Anyway, you invited everyone to your room this time, they were okay with it, and Marui couldn't be any happier, considering that no one will clutter up his room and make a mess.

After drinking rice juice and fooling around, Isshiki-Senpai asked, "(Y/N), we never knew how you became a chef, do you mind telling us?".

"Oh yeah! 3 months to be a chef? That sounds impossible!" Shoji said with an amazed look on his face. "Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" Yuki said, excitedly.

"Well, it's a long story. You sure you wanna hear it?" you asked.

"Yeah! I'd like to know my rival well!" Soma said, smiling smugly.

"E-E-Eh? R-R-Rival...Soma-Kun and (Y/N)?!" Megumi asked, shaking as she looked back and forth between the two of you.

"Hahaha! Now, now, relax sweetheart~" you said, tickling Megumi's chin and winking, her face turned as red as Soma's hair.

"Ok! Um...Let's see, how do I begin? The reason why I wanted to become a chef start over" you spoke.

Everyone was confused, as they exchanged looks.

"What do you mean?" Ryoko asked with furrowed brows.

"Well, long story short. When I was in middle school, I had a crush on this boy. And when I finally had the courage to confess, he turned me down. I was okay with it at first, but I guess I was wrong. Because in 2nd year, I confessed to him again. He turned me down, as well. Next thing I knew, he was dating my friend behind my back. My heart broke. I ended up thrashing my bedroom, and spend a few days in my sister's room until my room gets cleaned up. I took a few days off school, and I felt a little better. But when I returned, I saw the boy again, pretending that he cares and all that shit. I asked him if I have a slight chance with him, he said nothing. Now that's the 3rd time he rejected me. And that's when I finally gave up. After I graduated, I told mom and dad that I wanted to be a chef. I still don't know why, though. But I was seeing signs like something is telling me to become one. So I did. My parents put me in serious and cruel trainings until I was capable enough to enter Totsuki. I am now!" you explained everything.

Everyone was silent, like they swallowed their tongues.

You chuckled lightly, "depressing, isn't it?"

"THAT JERK! AND WHAT KIND OF FRIENDS ARE THEY?" Yuki suddenly burst in anger.

"IF YOU SEE HIM AGAIN, LET US KNOW!", "YEAH! WE'LL BEAT HIS ASS!!" Shoji and Daigo shouted, cracking their knuckles.

"That's so hurtful..." Ryoko muttered, frowning.

"But your parents are really amazing! I mean, teaching you literally everything in just 3 months? That's so cool!" Soma said, beaming.

"If it was me, I probably would've died! It's too much work!" Yuki complained.

"But, how do you feel now, (Y/N)?" Marui asked. You softly smiled, "I guess I'm fine now. But, whenever you guys are around, somehow I feel much better. It makes my heart feel the warmth I longed for".

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