Chapter 24: A Challenging World

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(Kaya's POV)

"Only those whose dish impresses me may transfer into Totsuki Academy" Nakiri said, smirking.

"I knew it" I mused, crossing my arms. In order to pass this exam, we have to prepare a dish that'll impress the duchess here.

"W-WHAT??!" everyone was shocked, staring at her with complete fright. I still don't get it, why are they feeling so afraid?? From the looks of it, they're about to shit their pants! Are they really that scared because a girl is going to judge their food?? What the hell's going on?? I looked at Yukihira, he looked back at me and shrugged, he's as clueless as I am.

"You have 1 minute, start now or abstain!" Nakiri informed with her still menacing smile, it was deadly silent before someone screamed their lungs out.

"I ABSTAIN!!" one boy screamed and ran away.

"I ALSO ABSTAIN!!", "ME TOO!!" everyone then followed as they started running. My eyes widened, and my mouth dropped at the sudden herd of boys running out of the room as if they're running away from hell before it devours them, they don't care about anyone or anything. All they care about at the moment is to get the hell out of here before they end up stuck in this horrible place.

I crossed my arms in front of my face in protection as everyone ran past me, it was like a stampede riled up by two hyenas, and I was standing in front of it instead of getting out of the way. My body was frozen, I was feeling scared as I felt a couple of those boys slamming into my arms while running, letting me groan in pain.

"This is crazy! The exam hadn't even started yet, and it's getting chaotic already!" I thought. Suddenly, I was snatched out of this mess as a hand grabbed my arm, saving me from possible death. My back hit someone's chest, and when I looked up, I was met with a pair of golden orbs and a red hair.

"Yukihira!" my eyes widened. "You okay?" he asked, staring at me with a serious expression.

"Yeah, thanks! What the hell's going on?! Why's everyone running away??" I questioned, breathing heavily. Yukihira and I were watching with wide eyes while the other students were running out of the room in great fear. But one of them stopped as he heard me, it was that same snobby boy Yukihira had a fight with. I thought he coward away and left.

"W-What?! Don't you know who that person is?!".

"No..." Yukihira and I replied together. Complete idiots!

I know she's a Nakiri, and that her family founded this school and all that, but still, I don't really know anything about this family.

"That's Nakiri Erina, she's the 'God Tongue'!" the frightened boy stated, I raised a brow at that statement.

"'God Tongue'?? Seriously?? I think you've gone overboard with the description here, buddy. I know who she is, but still, she's just a student in this school!" I mean, I'm not wrong. She is a student!

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU ARE SAYING??!! If she said that you have no talent, your life as a chef will be over!!" the terrified student continued, I rolled my eyes at his words. Who the hell does she think she is telling me that I have no talent and that my life as a chef is over?! I get to decide that myself, nobody else.

"What's so god-dy about her tongue?? She'll just taste the food and evaluate it! Why is that so scary to you?!" I retorted, crossing my arms. This whole thing is getting ridiculous.

"Y-You're crazy!! I'm out of here!!" the boy trembled and ran out. For all I know, a food critic just tastes the food and say their opinions on them, and in order to analyse it fairly I'm pretty sure they have high taste buds.

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