Chapter 34: House of Madness

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(2nd Person's POV)

You gawked at the building with horror-filled eyes before looking down at the map, then back at the building, you never expected this kind of buildings in such a high-standard academy like Totsuki. But what bewildered you the most was the fact that your parents used to live here when they were in Totsuki!

"WH-...WHAT'S WITH THE HAUNTED HOUSE??!" you screeched, sweat dropping.

"F-For real now?" Soma stuttered, almost as shocked as you are. The building was huge but looked as if it had been abandoned for years and was forgotten by the academy. There were vines everywhere around the building as if nature was slowly eating it up and let it become part of it, for it doesn't seem that anybody had disposed of them. The gate looked rusty as well, and there were vines wrapped around the metal pieces. And there doesn't seem to be anyone living in that dormitory for all the lights were off, and no sights of any other soul besides the two young students standing in fear in front of it. The view all in all was eerie, intimidating, and unpleasant for the eyes.

"Th-This is where mom and dad used to stay at??!! What the fuck?! It looks abandoned!" you mentally screamed with your jaw wide open. This didn't make sense; you saw countless of pictures of your parents in front of the 'Polar Star' dormitory and it didn't look anything like that at all! The building looked brighter and full of life and there were many other students who lived there, making it look like an absolutely fun place to stay in!

"Oh my god! Do they hate so much they wanna get rid of us by sending us to a fucking cursed house?!" you asked in panic, your hands clenched on the map it crumbled as you stomped your foot on the ground angrily. You hoped that this isn't really the 'Polar Star' dormitory and that it was just a mistake, but unfortunately, the name written on the wall right next to the gate says it is.

"Well, what can we do about it? This is the 'Polar Star' dormitory like the map says. C'mon, let's go inside, it's really getting dark out" Soma said after pulling himself together, he grabbed his luggage and pushed the rusty gates open, its screeching sound disturbed your ears, making you grimace. You grabbed your luggage and followed behind, struggling a little bit as you carried your heavy suitcase on the small steps before you stood next to the red head in front of the wooden door.

"Shall we?" Soma asked, looking at you. You let out a sigh and reluctantly nodded, the boy knocked three times, and both of you waited for a little while, but nobody came. He then reached out and opened the door, letting himself in. He held the door wide open for both of you as you walked in and stood beside him. Your brows furrowed as the inside seemed much worse to you. It was dark, quiet, dusty, not a person in sight, literally like a haunted house. There was even a disgusting smell of animals, even though there were no animals in sight either. That thought sounded ridiculous, though. What kind of academy would allow animals in the school grounds? It would be possible since your surrounding is literally a forest, but you haven't seen any animals so far.

"Uhm...Excuse us! Anybody here??" Soma yelled, waiting for a response. You were shaking in fright, making sure no ghost was crawling its way to you. Staying in a haunted house is definitely not on your bucket list.

"S-Soma, I'm scared! What if it's really a cursed house?! What if we're now cursed and the ghost chases us forever?!" you shivered in your place.

"Nah, now you're being silly!" Soma, on the other hand, was pretty calm, that is until you grabbed his hand all of a sudden which made him flinch. You felt really creeped out by the place. He slowly held your hand in return, it helped you calm down a little bit. However, you were still alarmed as your eyes scanned the gloomy place.

You suddenly remembered your dad mentioning Fumio-San, supposedly the one responsible here.

"Hello?! Um, Fumio-San??" you called; Soma raised a brow in question. "Fumio-San? Who's that?" he asked.

"My dad told me that she's the head of the dorm. She's supposed to be here..." you trailed off as you looked around, gripping his hand a little tight. Both of you were silently glad that it was dark, because your faces were slightly red.

Suddenly, you smelled something different, a smell as if something was burning, you then spotted a smoke appearing out of nowhere from the second floor, making yours and Soma's eyes go wide in panic.

"Is there a fire??!" Soma asked, worriedly. "I don't know! Is someone here??!" you shouted. A huge banging sound shook the mansion which freaked you and Soma out.

"What the hell?! Where's that banging sound coming from?!" you mentally asked. Things didn't just stop there, to make it worst, you saw a bunch of animals running down the hall towards the entrance where you and Soma were at, squealing and squawking as they were chased by an orange-haired girl.

"USAKO! KAMOSUKE! SHIKANOSHIN! EVERYONE! STOP RUNNING!!" the orange-haired girl screamed as she ran after the animals, begging them to stop. Apparently, they have names. You thanked the lord you didn't bring Snow with you, not that you know whether or not pets are allowed in the academy, but the idea that he'd probably get stomped on by those animals frightened you.

Quite a sudden and odd change, if you have to be honest with yourself. Just a moment ago, the dormitory was deathly silent you thought nobody lived here since your parents graduated. Now, noises are coming from every direction, smoke coming out of hallways, and animals running around like on a rampage. While the strange girl ran after those animals, someone yelled angrily through the microphone.

"HEY, ROOM NO.116! YOU CAN'T BRING WILD ANIMALS INTO YOUR ROOM!! I'LL SKIN YOU IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN!!" the person on the mic threatened, they sounded like an old person.

"I'M SORRYYYYYYYY!!" the girl yelled while still chasing the animals.

"AND ROOM NO.208!! DID YOU TURN AN EMPTY ROOM INTO A SMOKER, AGAIN?! I'LL TAKE SMOKE CHIPS AND FLAVOURIZE YOU IF YOU DO IT AGAIN!! ALSO, ROOM NO.205! I'M GONNA RIP YOUR GUTS OUT IF YOU CLUTTER UP THE FLOOR AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME?!" the person on the mic shouted, threatening everyone. You let out a small sigh of relief, at least that smoke wasn't because of a fire, but it was close to become one because of whoever caused that smoke.

"So, I guess we're not the only ones in this cursed mansion. But we still need to find Fumio-San" you stated, sweat dropping. Soma was going to reply to you, but someone appeared in front of the both of you, an eerie aura surrounded them with a huge evil grin ripping their cheeks, which made you two stand nervously.

"You're Yukihira Soma, and Eguchi Kaya, the two transfer students who wanna move in, right?" you narrowed your eyes at that person, their silhouette became clearer as you saw an old woman with gray hair standing in front of the both of you with her hands resting on her hips.

"Y-Yeah" Soma replied, nervously.

The old woman smirked sinisterly, giving a witch vibe which creeped you out. This dormitory probably is full of weirdos that bring wild animals inside, cause toxic smoke to fill the hallways, and earthquakes due to the clutter they cause! Maybe there's not a single quiet night in this place, you wondered if your parents faced these kinds of situations, and how they handled them. Your mom wouldn't really like it, but knowing your dad, he would find it fun and interesting! You ought to make a call tonight.

"I am the dorm mother, Fumio Daimido".


Chapter End.

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