Chapter 18: Summer of Hell (Pt.4)

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(2nd Person's POV)

Well, it was exactly how you expected things to be. Your training had become more difficult than it already is since your parents weren't very happy with the steak dish you made; it wasn't even close to their expectations. If you want to be a chef, you have to go beyond that. So, they decided to take further actions in the 3rd month and take it up a notch.

In other words, they won't have mercy.

You've been put into serious training where you had to repeat many dessert dishes even before it's finished! Mayumi had a strong sense of smell; she can smell the ingredients and spices and tell if they're combined perfectly or not. And she would stop you in the middle of whisking the ingredients and demands you to do it all over again, which started to make you grow frustrated.


That word...

It kept repeating itself in your head so many times that you were starting to lose your mind. You were beginning to think that in order to be a professional chef, you have to lose your mind as those trainings were physically and mentally torturing you, sucking off your energy as your body was quivering, barely holding yourself up as your mom kept repeating that awful, horrendous, and nightmarish word in such a cold voice.







"THAT'S IT!!" you finally snapped, slamming your fists on the counter furiously, sweat glided down your face and chest rising up and down as your breaths were heavy. "I can't do it anymore! You keep telling me to repeat everything when I haven't even finished cooking!!".

"If the ingredients are not well-mixed, how do you expect the food to be good?!!" she yelled while you slid your back against the wall, not able to stand anymore as you were tired of cooking over, and over, and over again.

"I've had enough...I can't...cook anymore..." you said between breaths, brown bangs covered half your face as you looked down.

"So, you're just going to give up?? You're doing this the wrong way; you have to get up and start again!" Mayumi demanded, you looked up at her, already fuming.


"It's not other people's job to tell you what's right and wrong in your cooking! As a chef, you must figure that out yourself! It's not just tossing ingredients all together and then serve it. It's not just cooking, it's more than that" Mayumi stated with crossed arms. Your brows furrowed and stared at her with a puzzled face.

"What? What does she mean by it's not just cooking?" you mused. "I-I don't understand. What do you mean?". Mayumi uncrossed her arms and let out a sigh.

"Kaya, do you know why me and your dad are successful chefs?" you shrugged your shoulders. "Cause you went to Totsuki?" she shook her head.

"When you cooked the grilled steak dish last time, you reflected your feelings into it. It was bland, empty, and careless. It was as if you just tossed everything together and served it without any passion!" Mayumi explained, you blinked twice as you felt lost, then stood up from the floor and went to the counter, standing across from your mom.

"I don't get it. So, food contains feelings as well?" you questioned with a raised brow.

"Kaya, what do you feel whenever you eat your dad's and my cooking?" Mayumi answered with a question, you stayed silent before answering.

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