Chapter 107: The Taste of Living

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(3rd Person's POV)

"I wonder if mom and dad's ever been in the 'BLUE'?" you thought in your dorm room. "I should call them and ask" you took out your phone and called Masahi.

"Hey, honey pot!" he answered. "Hi, dad. How's the business going?" you asked, smiling. "It's great as usual. So, what's up?" he said.

"Dad, I'm going to the 'BLUE' an-...".

Masahi started coughing and wheezing insanely you heard Mayumi scream.

"OH MY GOD, HONEY, WHAT'S WRONG?!!" you heard her yell. "Dad! Dad!" you called, sweat dropping.

"S-Sorry, (Y/N). I'm alright! Y-You're going WHERE??!" he panicked. "The 'BLUE'!!" you stated loudly.

"Ok, I knew falling down the stairs never hurt you, but I think it's got serious!" he said, worriedly. "Dad, I haven't fell down the stairs since I was 7! And it was only three times!".

"So, you're serious?! Y-You're going to the 'BLUE'?!" he asked, seemingly shocked yet happy. "SHE'S GOING TO THE 'BLUE'?!" you heard Mayumi shriek.

"Yeeeesss!!" you facepalmed. "OH, DADDY IS SO PROUD OF YOU, HONEY POT!!" he yelled through the phone.

"Dad! Please listen to me!" you pleaded. "Sorry, honey pot. We're just so happy! So, what do you need?" he stated.

You sighed, "I was going to ask if either you or mom got into the 'BLUE'".

"Oh, we did" he simply said. "You did?!" you asked, almost yelling. "Yeah, me, your mom, and Joichiro were picked to go to the 'BLUE'" he stated.

"Wow. But, the thing is...I'm an extra" you began, reluctantly. "What do you mean?" Masahi asked. "Me and Soma got the same score, and Dojima-Senpai announced that the W.G.O agreed to let both of us to compete in the 'BLUE'! And there are other two students, so that makes us four students instead of three!" you explained.

"So, you're going to throw that chance away?" he asked, his tone sounded serious. You stayed silent.

"(Y/N), this is an important championship. This may be your one and only chance to get in! Please, don't waste Joichiro did" Masahi said.

You flinched at the statement, and sat on your bed as Snow came and cuddled between your legs. "What?" you asked.

"Joichiro disappeared just before the beginning of the 'BLUE'. And everyone in the 'Polar Star' dormitory went out to look for him. Me and your mom were also worried sick about him..." Masahi began.

*Flashback + Dojima's POV*

I finally found Joichiro sitting alone in the dark in one of the buildings in the school.

"Everyone's worried about you" I said, approaching him, and sat down next to him. "You won't make it in time for the 'BLUE', but I guess there's no point crying over spilt milk-...".

"'BLUE'? Oh...that 'BLUE'. Yeah, I know. I know" Joichiro cut me off and started mumbling. I looked at him, "Joichiro?".

He then looked at me like he just noticed my presence, "Huh? Gin? Oh, Gin! Why're you here?". "I thought I might find you here in Gatten Hall" I said.

"Are Masahi and Mayumi already at the 'BLUE'?" he asked. "Yeah. They wanted to look for you, too. But they had to leave. They're worried sick about you, you know" I stated.

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