Chapter 26: The Unexpected

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(Y/N's POV)

"IT'S DUSGUSTING!" Erina screamed at us. I gawked at her loud ass comment.

"HUH??!!" Souma and I replied in unison, we were pretty shocked.

How could she not like it?? I made sure that it's perfect! I had to make something simple because the time limit was only ONE MINUTE!!!

Soma was obviously still in shock, as the colour drained from his face. Apparently, this seems to be the first time he gets such comment on his food.

Yet I can't be sure because I barely know the guy and his background. I stared at the long-haired girl gritting her teeth as she glared at us.

She definitely got on my skin; I knew what she just did!



(Erina's POV)

I stormed out of the kitchen furiously; I have never seen such a rude person like that!!

"Unbelievable! How dare she scold me and accuse me of lying?! And how can he be so cocky?! Who do they think they are?!!" I complained, angrily.

Just the thought of them makes my blood boil!


"You lie!" Eguchi accused, pointing at me. I gasped at her, "excuse me?? Who do you think you are accusing me of lying?! The judging was fair and honest!".

She snorted. "Hey, it's so obvious that you liked our dishes, I can tell from that horny-looking face you made a while ago!" Eguchi stated with a smug smile.

"E-EXCUSE ME??!!" I asked with a pure shocked face.

"Watch your language with Erina-Sama, Eguchi!" Hisako, my secretary, said sternly as she glared at her.

Eguchi ignored her and put a hand on her hip. "I don't think you know that a judge must be honest after trying the food, and that was no honest nor fair judgement, and...I don't like people who lie" Eguchi stated, glaring daggers at me with her brown orbs as she said the last line.

"Wh-what kind of a girl is she??" I thought, staring at her in disbelief.

My fists clenched and gritted my teeth. My blood was boiling. I stood straight and flipped my hair.

"That's all for today. Hisako, you finish the rest" I spoke with crossed arms. "Yes, Erina-Sama!" Hisako confirmed, and I left the room as fast as possible.

*End of flashback*

I stopped in my tracks, still feeling angry as I breathed heavily.

"Eguchi (Y/N), and Yukihira Soma! Totsuki Academy doesn't need nobodies like you!" I thought, furiously.



(Y/N's POV)

The sun had set now, emerging the beautiful colours of the sky. Me and Soma were sitting outside, still processing what had happened today. 

He...was still shocked of the result, but I wasn't.

I had a flashback of Erina's judgement of our food, then silently scoffed. Her judging was completely false, and she know it! Fair and honest, my ass!

I know that I was rude to her, but I don't care what she'll think of me. I still stand by my words, no matter how god-dy her tongue is!

'God Tongue', people say...

This is absolutely stupid!

"I'm glad I told her off! Who the hell does she think she's lying to??" I thought, huffing my cheeks.

Sighing to calm myself, I gaze at a certain depressed red head. He hadn't said anything since we left.

"But I doubt both of us will get into this school...Sorry, mom and dad" I sighed in defeat.



(3rd Person's POV)

You stood up and dusted off your clothes, then looked down at Soma.

"Oi, Soma. You okay?" you asked, tapping his shoulder. The red head snapped out of his misery and looked up.

"O-Oh, uhh...Yeah, I guess" he said, reluctantly. You hummed before speaking again, "you need a ride home?".

"No, thanks. I'll walk" he declined, then stood up. "So, I guess this is goodbye, huh?" he asked, frowning.

You hesitantly shrugged, "I guess so. I mean, we did get rejected by the judge".

"You were really bold back there! I didn't think you were the kind of person that talks back" he said, chuckling.

You smirked with a raised brow, "really? What did you think of me when you first saw me?".

"I dunno. I assumed you were the type of a quiet and polite person, but I guess I was wrong" he exclaimed, shrugging.

You giggled, "you got one thing that's right. I am usually quiet, but I'm quiet because...well...I don't know how to talk with people. I don't go out much".

Soma put a hand on his chin, "really? Well, I guess I have to pull the words outta your mouth. I mean, you are talking right now, right? You started this conversation, and when we first met!" he beamed.

Your eyes widened as realization hit you. You did start this conversation, you actually talked to people!

But that doesn't change the fact that you'll never see him again...

"Yeah, you're right" you muttered, as your smile faded. Soma sighed, "you seem like a cool person. Maybe we'll meet again". You looked up at the red headed boy and cracked a sweet smile.

"I hope so" you said. You then heard a car horn and knew that it was your ride. "I should go, now. It was great knowing you, Yukihira Soma" you said.

"Yeah, you too, Eguchi (Y/N)" he said, smiling. You waved goodbye and ran to the car. Leaving the school after a long day.

After you arrived, you walked to room quietly, so no one notices you and ask questions. The last thing you needed was being bombarded with questions about today's entrance exam.

Inside your cosy room, you threw yourself on your bed, releasing a breath of devastation.

You thought that everything is over. You thought you made a friend, but you'll probably end up not seeing each other anymore.

"I knew it, that academy is too overrated. The whole 3 months trainings were for nothing" you mused, hiding your brown orbs with your eyes.

Yes, the whole 3 months trainings were for nothing...


Chapter End.

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