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What's wrong mamas? Monster asked picking his phone back up.

Nothing I'm just tired and I had some cramping.

You wanna go to the hospital or anything?

No! I'll be fine I been having these contractions since last week my doctor said they Braxton Hicks contractions.

What's that?

Like fake contractions just to help pre pare for the real thing.

Oh ight, you sure you don't wanna go? Just tell me how to get there?

Im fine! What time your flight leaves?

In about an bouta head over there now. I just checked my bags.

I'm so excited. What time you land?

Shit at 11! You gone be up?

Yeah I should be, I have my phone right here! I just want you to know I really do appreciate you so much. You know you didn't have to come here.

I know! But that's like I waisted all these months coming back and fourth to see you making sure you good than letting you have a baby alone. I can't have that.!

I'll be fine! I giggled.

I know you will be...your an amazing woman so I know for a fact you gone be an amazing mom.

And your going to be an amazing god dad!
(Me and Monster got extremely close over the last few months. We talked on the phone night and day. He came multiple times in a month to help take care of me and made sure the baby had everything. He put money in my pockets, grocery's in the house, even the small stuff like tissue and paper towels. We where so close I made him my baby god dad. I figured if my child ever needed a male figure to look up to than it would be him. He was smart, dedicated, goal oriented, he was caring and compassionate. He was extremely giving and lovable. He had a lot of knowledge, from the streets and the books. He handled business professionally kept a job and made money in the streets. And that's how I wish I had a male figure in my life to be.)

I keep telling you yo mans ain't gone like that! He laughed.

And I keep telling you I don't care! You the one been at mostly every doctors appointment, helped buy stuff always made sure we both where good. You would of thought you was my baby dad!

He try to call you?

Not since last month..... I texted him and told him I had a doctors appointment in a couple days asked him did he wanna come and got no response.

Man....he don't know how much he missing out on!

No kid is gonna grow up amazing with or without a dad.

That's a fact, but I'm bouta board the plane. Ima hit you when I touch down mamas.

Okay, have a safe flight!

Ight see you in a bit!

I smiled and blew him a kiss into the phone making him smile. I pressed the call end button and it hung up. I put the phone on the charger and grabbed my laptop as the door bell rang.

I got up and put my robe on to go answer the door! I opened it slowly and it was Micah.

Hi Queen! He said biting the side of his lip rubbing the back of his neck. I was shocked to even see him standing in front of me right now.

Me and Micah haven't conversed much at all since his dad died. He clearly showed who he loved more and who he wanted to be with more. And that was Halo! They was so lovey dovy around me I couldn't stand to look their way. But I for damn sure played it cool. I still let him know about every single appointment I had. He never came to one but I texted him info anyways. I don't know maybe I just hopped for a happily ever after with him after all.

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