Chapter 3

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What's wrong? Monster asked me coming to sit back next to me.

Why don't he love me?! I started to cry. "I can never have him! I go in labor and how fuckin ironic she goes in labor. She threatens him he can't see his fuckin daughter if he comes and watches his son be born! This is fucked up!"

Look don't even worry about nun that shit right now. Your about to bring a baby into this world. Bring all your attention to him.

I know but still. Like this is literally not fair at all! Why do I go through the most shit? This is suppose to be the happiest time of my life. I was told I couldn't even have kids now look I'm here in this situation.

It's okay Queen your not alone. I been with you since day 1. Ain't shit gone change he still gone have a fatherly figure in his life. Your amazing woman and gonna be an amazing mom he's the fool for missing out. You couldn't have kids now your about to have one that's the most important thing right now. Who cares if he misses this moment. Long as you have this moment! He pushed my hair out my face and wiped my tears.

Can you call the nurse back in here! I managed to get out.

You okay?

I feel like I gotta push! I started to cry again. I was so overwhelmed and in so much pain. The nurse came in and she checked me smiling so hard.

You ready to have a baby! She asked smiling from ear to ear. She pressed a button and the room began to fill with doctors and nurses. She broke the bed down and pulled me to the edge. They started getting dressed in their gowns and taking the covers off of me.

Monster rested his head on mine and I wrapped my arm around his neck and took deep breaths through my contractions.

Your doing great mamas! He smiled. Me and Monster never did anything sexual never even kissed during our journey and for some reason I was completely okay with him seeing my Vagina bussed wide opened.

Okay dad you ready? The doctor asked sitting between my legs.

Yeahhhhh! He said not really unsure but with laughter.

Okay so your going to hold her hand and leg to her chest okay.! He did as instructed and a nurse did the same on the other side. I was in tears as I was told to push. I let out a scream as I came to the end of my contraction.

Beautiful! The doctor said assisting my son as I pushed again. Monster was in tears at this moment.

Okay, good, good good! Come on a few more pushes. Almost here!

I felt a pop sensation and tugging. I pushed so hard on my last push and tiny cries filled the room. I was in tears as the doctor placed my baby on top of me. His eyes met mine and I cried so hard. Monster was crying to.

Okay dad wanna cut the cord! The nurse asked him and he gladly did so.

What's his name? A nurse asked wiping him off.

Prince Ja'Kari Dae! I smiled wiping my tears. I looked up at Monster and he was wiping his tears. I wanted my son to be named after strong people or people who ment something so much to me. Prince is a son of a Queen and Ja'Kari is Monsters real name. He's been here through my entire pregnancy and has showed me nothing but love literally through out this all. He was his God father. And I know how much he wanted to be there for his son when he was born. He got to experience everything from beginning to end. He's a wonderful father so I know he's going to be a wonderful God father to my son. And Dae is my last name.

The nurse took him and Monster got a couple pictures of him.

He's 5lbs and 9oz 19 inches long! She said coming back into the room placing him on the incubator.

Is that my son? You had him already! I could hear Micahs voice from the distance. I was so tired and drained. The doctors got the after birth out and cleaned me up.

Labor and child birth takes a lot out of a person. I was so drained I could nearly keep my eyes open to
Hold my baby. He was so little and precious.

Hey there little guy! Monsters voice said quietly holding my son. I watched him walk back and fourth with Ja'Kari. "Hey there! I can't wait for you to meet Austin! We gone play ball together and ima raise you little guys up to be kings! Like daddy!" He said smiling down at him. Monster was in such awe holding my son. The person I wanted in this room the most while birthing my son didn't even matter cause the person who mattered the most was here for my son.

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