Chapter 92

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What's up baby gangsta! Monster smiled coming into our room kissing my cheek.

Hi bae! I laughed.

You got classes on Thursday and Friday?

No they canceled actually why?

Cause I wanna take you some where with me!

Really where?

I got a last minute meeting in Honduras and than over in Japan you up for coming?


Yeah, we haven't really spent any time together you always taking care of the kids and at school and I'm always working. I just want you with me honestly.

Of course baby I'd love to! He bent down and kissed me. I watched him walk away in my mirror as he stripped out of his clothes going into his closet. I was so in love with that man.

-Yonna Bear🧸💜-
"Can you come here please 😩"
"I'm upstairs in my bathroom 😭"

Why did I have a feeling I know what this was gone be about. I laughed a bit and shook my head.

Baby I'm bouta run to the back real quick Yonna want me, need anything before I go over there?
I yelled to Monster leaning in his bathroom doorway.

Nah I'm good baby, I'm bouta head back out.

Okay! You gone be home for dinner?

I'm not sure don't wait for me.

Okay baby, love you be safe!

I'm always safe! He laughed and I kissed my teeth and left the house and made my way up the driveway and to the back house. I opened the door and Kay'son was laid on the floor knocked out with SpongeBob on. My little nugget was getting so big too.

Yonnaaaaa! I yelled quietly up the stairs. I could hear crying and sobbing. I opened the bathroom door that was cracked and she was sitting on the toilet seat in tears. "What's the matter pookie?!" I asked sitting on the tub frame.

I think I'm miscarrying! She said breaking her tears. She handed me a pregnancy test and it was positive. "I was cramping a bit but I figured I just had gas or something....I took my test yesterday morning and it was positive I just used the bathroom and it's so much blood Queen like so much! I'm cramping even a lil more now I haven't told Sean about the test or anything...

Well calm down you getting all worked up until you know for sure what's going on. That could be from anything! I'm gonna take Kay'Son to the front and have the babysitter watch him to and we are going to go to the hospital. You want me to call Kay'Sean?

No! I don't want him to get all worked up either until we know for sure.

Okay that's fine. Take a shower and get ready I'll be back in a second. Okay!?

She nodded her head and I hugged her. "It's gone be okay girl!" I got up to leave the bathroom and went to the baby room and got a diaper bag packed for him. I went downstairs to pick him up so he could stay sleeping. I covered his face from the brightness of outside so he wouldn't be woken.

I made my way upstairs to Ja'Kari room and layed him in the crib and he stayed sound asleep.

Hey I have to go do something with Yonna. I brought Kay'son over do you mind watching him? I asked Miss Mary who was sitting with Austin feeding him a snack.

No it's fine.!

Okay he's upstairs with Ja'Kari sleep. Thank you! And I'll have your check ready as soon as I get back!

Aww thank you Mrs. Stevenson!

It's a pleasure. I said as I grabbed my purse and keys. I left out and got in my truck and drove to the back of the house. Yonna came outside looking like she was still crying. I pulled off heading to the closest hospital.

We entered through the emergency room and even though it was like 4 other people in here they was going so slow.! I was relatively annoyed.

They finally called Yonna to the back and I think I felt more relieved than she did. We sat up there waiting for over 2 hours. She got undressed and into a hospital gown. The nurse instructed her to pee in a cup and than she took some blood.

So what seems to be the problem? A doctor asked coming into the room.

Yonna began to speak and tell him everything she was experiencing. He gave her a hospital pregnancy test and those two lines popped up so quick it scared me. She was than sent up for an emergency ultrasound.

Since she was only probably a few weeks along they had to give her a vag ultrasound. I watched the screen in aww as the tech moved the prob around inside her checking her cervix.

Oh my! She said laughing.

What? We both asked at once.

I jumped up to look at the screen and she pointed to the sac. It was two babies In there Yonna almost passed out. Me and the tech busted out laughing.

There's two babies in there! She smiled hard. "Your measuring about 5 weeks along." She said smiling from ear to ear. Yonna was just in total shock.

We was sent back downstairs and I was so happy for her. She finally called Kay'Sean and he was rushing to be up here.

Okay hun it looks like your cervix is very closed the bleeding was probably old blood just cleaning it self out this would be the time that you would have gotten your period so that's just what that is. Cramping is just the babies settling in. It's your body starting to create what it needs to for the babies. After going over the ultrasound throughly I can confirm that your having twins as well. We are just going to keep you a little while longer just until you finish these fluids in the IV and than you'll be all set to go home and rest. Make sure you make a follow up appointment with your obgyn. The doctor said once he finally came in.

I was trying so hard not to laugh. I just knew she was gone end up being pregnant. All the fuckin them two was doing.

You okay? Kay'Sean asked busting through the curtains.

I'm fine! I'm fine! I'm fine! We are actually having twins!

Yeah right!

I'm dead ass serious, Kay'Sean we are having twins! She said through her tears. He was smiling from ear to ear so happy. He hugged her in comfort and told her how much he loved her. They was having such a beautiful moment. I can't wait to finally experience that one day.

Y'all ima head back to the house call me if you need me! I smiled hugging them both.

Thank you so much for being here with me Queen it means a lot! Yonna said after she hugged me.

Of course you my sister I got you! I'll see y'all later. Don't worry bout getting the baby til tomorrow.

You sure?

Yeah you rest, I'll see y'all back at the house. I grabbed my purse and made my way out. Valet pulled up with my truck and I made my way back home.

I paid Miss Mary and she left for the night. All the kids was put down for the night and I made something quick to eat considering I had a test in the morning. I needed to study and get some sleep while I could.

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