Chapter 35

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My eyes popped open and it was like a ton of bricks on my chest as I sat up so quick. I was hooked up to so many monitors and everything came back to me at once. Monster was sitting there on his phone and another dude was in the corner sleep.

Hey your woke! Monster smiled rushing over to me.

Where's my baby? Ja'Kari where is my baby?

Calm down he's fine! He's fine!

Where is he? I need to see him?!

He's at my aunt house right now? She watches Austin for me all the time. He's in good hands.

Austin! Austin! Where's Austin?

He's with his mom why?

We need to get him! Now!

Lay down Queen take some time you been knocked out for hours! Just take a breath he's fine.

No he's not! Austin is not okay. We have to get him please let's go get him.!

What's wrong?

I don't know if it was a dream or not but it felt so real! Ja'Kari this felt real I couldn't save him!

Save who? Austin? What happened what you see?

Shalease was abusing him! Like he drowned he fell into the pool on a patio! He looked up at me confused.

Shalease has a pool connected to..

To her deck it's blue in the inside and has a white rim...the deck is brown and wooden! I yelled interrupting him. He sat all the way up in shock and his homeboy looked shock to.

We have to go! I yelled again. I stood up but almost fell back down. He caught me and helped me stand. I was in pain looking at my arm in the sling.

It got broken in the accident! He said biting the side of his lip. He passed me my clothes and I snatched all the monitor stuff off me. We walked past the front desk and nurses station. He pulled up the car up and we got in. My nerves was bad and I was shaking.

Tell me about this dream! He said irritated.

It started like I...I woke up in a room and I heard crying...I followed the crying to the kitchen. Austin was was Shalease. She smacked him across his face so hard making him cry more. She had dish water in the sink. She was like over whelmed with him and he was crying so much! She took him and dunked his head in the water so he would stop but he wouldn't he cried and cried and cried and then she dropped him on the floor. I tried to pick him up and I couldn't it was like i was transparent or something. She uhh...she than went over to a table and picked her phone up and called someone.

Who? He asked angrily.

It wasn't you....she told this person to come get their son....his name was Trill! She proceeded to hang up on him than called you and asked you why didn't you love her! Austin walked onto the patio crying just walking and fell into the pool. I jumped in after him. He was struggling to breathe as his legs was sticking into the air and the water choked him his eyes met mine but I couldn't help him I couldn't save him than pulled him...

He pulled up to the exact house I seen. I jumped out the car not finishing what I was saying and ran into the porch. The door was open but locked by the screen door. I banged on the door and Shalease came to answer it with Monster behind me. She had a major attitude.

Where's Austin? I asked panicking!

Why are you asking about my baby who the fuck is you? She questioned folding her arms.

Where is he Shalease open the fuckin door now! Monster yelled scaring her. She opened the door so quick and I pushed past her. The inside of the house was exactly how it was....even the smell of Stress relief candles from bath and body works filled the air.....the kitchen sink had just the amount of water in it as it did before as I stopped to look around the house. I remembered what I was there for as Shalease yelling and anger filled the house again. Her phone started ringing and it read Trill on the screen. I could hear Austin crying, I ran to the patio and caught a hold of his little body right before he fell into the pool. I cradled his body into my chest and cried with him.

My baby what the fuck! Shalease cried and screamed. Austin was in tears as he looked into my eyes. He had that mark on his face. But he was dry like she didn't put his head In The sink but he had that mark from being hit.

We need to fuckin talk! Monster was so mad I could damn near see the steam and fire coming from his head. He pushed Shalease into the house and she was crying.

It's okay, it's okay! I'm here! I tried soothing Austin and he just held on to me with his head into my chest. I kissed his little cheeks and rocked him through my pain.

Take Austin and wait in the car! Monster said to me as he sat his gun on the table and sat in the chair across from Shalease. She was in tears crying for her baby. I was disgusted with her.

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