Chapter 100

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Come on! I said to Dre which who was waiting outside my classroom just as I was done taking my test.

How did you do?

I probably blew it! I got so much on my mind.

You should talk to him....


Your husband, I'm pretty sure Monster is on your mind and that's why you flunked.

NO fuck him! I just should have studied more.

Dude you be studying like 25/8 girl talk to yo husband and figure a solution out so you can go back to being in the right head space.

If he wanted to talk we would have by now.

Maybe he's waiting on you to make the first move. Y'all females kill me always want a man to apologize first.

Well he was wrong!

And yall married! Marriage is about sacrifices! Y'all both was wrong but at the end of the day love speaks volumes.

Yeah you right! But it ain't that simple for me. He yells at me like I'm a child and always taking up for his BM when me and her get into it. Whole time it's her literally starting it.

I don't think he's taking up for her. It sounded more like he just expects more from you because he knows your the bigger person.

I am the bigger person but I'm not gone just let nobody attack me or keep trying me like I'm some weak bitch either!

We all know you not weak but sometimes you gotta fight fire with kindness. Beauty and kindness kills. She hates you because you married her ex, her son father to her you took what was hers now she's gonna be pressed every time she see you! Fuck her. You way to be pretty to be out here fighting, as long as this short amount of time that I've known you, you been a bad bitch and I mean that in the most nicest humblest way ever!

Thank you Dre! I said smiling and hugging him. Me and Dre have been getting so close he was like a big brother to me now more than a security guard. He was definitely wise beyond his years.

You welcome! Are you going to go get your ice cream?

Yes! I need it bad! I smiled getting into the car. I threw my bag into the back seat and pulled my phone out. I went to my messages and clicked my husband thread.

"Are you coming home tonight?" I texted. I took a deep breath and sighed. I hated fighting with him. I haven't gotten any kisses, NO DICK, a simple conversation, like nothing. I know he's been working to avoid coming home and it's been pissing me off. He'll call Mary to check on our kids and not me. These past few days been giving me a major headache. I was wrong for going off how I did but I need him to understand that I'm not his child I am his wife and I demand my respect and to be on my side for once.

~Husband ❤️~
"Yeah sometime tonight I'll be stepping in."

I was gonna wait up all night if I had to even though I didn't want to. I closed out the messages and shortly after Dre came back to the car with my ice cream. I had maple walnut ice cream in a waffle cone. It was so good! I been craving for these all week. Soon as I got out of school we was here getting ice cream.

I finally made my way home and my babies was down for their naps. I checked on them and got their lunches ready for when they woke up. I was kinda tired myself so I went to go lay down for a bit.

I grabbed my book so I can read and study until I fell asleep.

I woke up to baby cries on the monitor and it was almost 1pm. I got up and slipped my house shoes on and went down to my sons room. But I was a few seconds to late he was wrapped up in his daddies arms devouring his milk.

Hey! I said shyly coming into the room. He nodded his head and fixed his attention back on our son.

I wanna apologize for the comment I made the other day. I was dead ass wrong when I said "you only have one kid!" I didn't mean it like that it just flew out my mouth and I'm sorry. You know I love the fact that you love my son and treats him like he's your own and I shouldn't of said that. Your an amazing father to both the kids and I wouldn't wish they had a different one.

It's cool Queen I'm over it. I get it you was mad....

Yeah but that's still no excuse and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

I know you didn't come here! He pulled me into him and kissed my forehead. "I wasn't taking up for her I'm always on your side. But I was just saying don't stoop down to her level she's a bum and she likes that rah rah shit. You actually lives up to your name. Your a Queen and she's always gone be a max bitter bum ass bitch. She ain't got shit on you never did and never will so all that fighting shit is pointless. You shit in her whole life everyday. The fact that she didn't even know that he wasn't allergic to them diapers speaks volumes. Next time just pick your battles wisely was all I was saying bae!"

I get it I'm sorry!

And I'm sorry to, and for speaking to you in a disrespectful manner I shouldn't of got mad cause you was.

Thank you for seeing what I was talking about. Can we be done fighting now?!

I'm done if you done!

I swear I'm done! I smiled kissing his lips. My baby was smiling as he drunk his milk. It's like our kids could sense when we fighting.

I was just happy to have that over with!

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