Chapter 117

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Umm baby where are you? I asked monster through the phone panicking.

I'm up north why? What's wrong you okay?

Noooo I need you! I'm in the back of the mall parking lot please come please!

Okay, okay, okay, I'm on my way what's wrong?

I can't say on the phone baby pleas come!

Ight I'm on my way just calm down.

No i can't, just hurry up! I hung up the phone and wiped my hands clean with a bunch of babies my wipes getting blood off of them. I looked around and still didn't see Dre.

We was in the mall and I told him I would meet him at the car but all hell broke lose after that.

I was shaking in fear right now waiting for my husband to arrive. I took deep breaths and wiped my tears. I seen his truck and another truck pull up beside me. And he jumped out.

What's wrong? He asked with his gun drawn.

I did something! I said through my tears.

What's the matter what happened?

We was in the mall, I was ready to leave and Dre wanted to go to, two more stores and I didn't wanna. I told him I would just meet him at the car. This guy started following me to the car and he walked beside me saying "oh that's a nice ring!" "It's nice and big bet it cost a bunch!" I started calling Dre to tell him to come but he isn't answering his phone. He grabbed my bag and tried to grab me. My first instinct was to pull the gun out my purse and I shot him twice.

Okayyyyy where is he?

I led him to the back of my trunk and opened it.
He busted out laughing at the guy frowning in pain. "What the fuck is so fuckin funny Ja'Kari I just shot this man!"

Okkkkkk? I'll take care of it. Wipe your eyes! He laughed.

I was completely historical! He wiped my tears. "I'm proud of you but you should of kilt his ass!" He smiled.

I can't do that! I barely shot him.

I can! He smiled. He cocked his gun back and pulled the trigger shooting the guy in his head twice looking me in my eyes. I jumped at each shot. He tucked his gun back behind his waist and smiled. "All it takes is 7 pounds of pressure!"

Give me yo gun! Get in my truck and drive straight home! Take all your clothes off and put everything into a black trash bag leave it in my bathroom so I can take care of it. Take a hot bath with bleach and Ajax just wash your outer body soak for 10-15 minutes. Than drain the water wash the tub completely with bleach and than a hot shower, wash 2-3 times. Do you understand me?


Awww I'm so proud of you! I'm so mad I missed it.!


It's like you losing your virginity ima proud husband! He said smiling with fake tears.

I hate you! I'm over here going crazy crying and you think this a game.



Okay okay okay, go home and hurry up. I'll be there when im done! He leaned in and kissed me and smiled. I got in his truck and pulled off. He got in my car and pulled off heading a different way than I did. I headed straight home as fast as I could. I hated driving this big ass truck.

Right before I turned on my street I seen a police car get behind me. My heart started beating out my ass. I was bussing sweats. I pulled over just as his lights came on. I rolled down my window for him but they swerved from behind me and started speeding down the street. I sat back relaxed and let my sigh out. I pulled off and head down the street and pulled into my driveway. I ran in the house because I had to throw up. I took deep breaths and drunk some water. I took all my clothes off and placed them in a black trash bag and put them on the floor under the sink in Monsters bathroom. I ran my hot bath water like he told me.

My mind was racing all over the place I ended up soaking for a few extra minutes. I cleaned the tub and took a hot shower. I was scrubbing my skin so much by the time I got out I was wrinkly from all the water.

You Ight? Monster asked coming into the bathroom. He had a big light in his hand. I nodded my head a bit. He cut the lights off and closed the door. He flicked the light on in his hand and did a whole examination on my body. It was a black light.

Turn to the back? He directed. "Ight you all clear, you did a good job cleaning yourself some people forget spects of blood or something in them and that's how they always get caught!"

I was scrubbing my whole body for dear life.

I know, I took care of it baby girl!

Did you?!

Of course I did! You know I'm stepping behind you 10 toes down and I'll do anything for you!

Thank you baby, I don't know what I would of down without you! Did you find Dre?

No not yet nobody seen him come out the mall or anything his phone is still going to voicemail. I got my peoples out looking for him.

What if he was kidnapped or something.

Now who gone kidnap his big ass!

It's possible baby! He wouldn't of just disappeared like this. That's not Dre and you know that!

I'll look into it! I promise!

He's family!

I know baby I'll find him.

Thank you! I wrapped my arms around his waist and he gave me the biggest tightest hug. I felt so safe and secure in his arms. I felt at peace.

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