Chapter 29

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You are so fussy! I wined picking my baby up. He was extra fussy today. I haven't gotten any sleep all night because he was up. Nobody talks about this parts of parenting when your baby is fussy and you can't seem to figure out what's bothering them to fix it.

I bounced him around on my chest a bit until he seemed to settle down. I was so freaking tired soon as I laid him down he woke right back up and started crying.

I went downstairs to warm up a bottle and Yonna and Kaesean was sitting on the couch watching a movie and kissing. It was going on 3am.

I hurried up and grabbed everything I needed and went back upstairs. I grabbed my phone unlocking it. I looked at it a bit before calling the number putting the phone on speaker.

Hello! His sleepy sexy voice answered.

Didn't think you would answer! I said nervously biting the side of my lip.

You know what time it is? It's 4am! His voice got a bit deeper.

I'm sorry! I forgot about the time difference....

What's wrong?

Ja'Kari is just extra fussy and I don't know what to do to sooth him.! I'm so tired Monster! I said breaking down crying.

Ayeeeee stop crying! Your strong! You got this! He's probably just gassy or something. This what I want you to do! Lay him on your forearm with his head in your palm and gently pat his back he's either gonna burp or fart.
I did as he told me to and after a few moments my baby burped so loud multiple times.

Now give him a nice warm bath and warm his bottle up. He'll be fast asleep in no time.

Is that gonna work?

Yeah it will!

Thank you.....I don't know how I could of just made it without you.

I told you I'll Always be here for you wether you want me here or not! Get some rest! He said before hanging up.

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