Chapter 101

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Hey pretty lady! A male voice said from behind me. I looked back and it was Mac.

Hey! I said with a smile.

What you doing at the bar by your self? He asked looking me in my eyes and licking his lips. For some reason I get this uneasy feeling when he comes around.

I'm waiting for your friend, have you talked to him?

Nah not since earlier....yero bartender let me get a drink! He yelled out.

Mmm! I picked my phone up and looked at the time. I was suppose to be meeting Monster here at this bar that had great food but he was almost 30 minutes late for our date.

You drinking?

No, this alcohol honestly making me sick!

Oweee let me find out! He laughed.

Let you find out what? Ain't nun in here. I laughed rolling my eyes.

Yeah ight I'll be getting that text soon. Shid cause if you was mine I'd have one put in you right after another.

You talking like that you must got 1,000 kids out here.

Nah, I don't even got one! He laughed.

Well I hope you find a pretty lady one day and she gives you a bunch everybody deserves to be happy.

He looked at me and licked his lips. "You right, I wish I would of met you before bra did. He probably don't even know what to do with you!"

Ma bad baby, I got tied up with some shit! I'm sorry I'm late. Monster said kissing my cheek as he walked up.

It's okay I am so glad your here now! I said with a smile.

What's up bra what you doing here? He said as he slapped Mac up.

Shid I just came to watch the game grab some wings and a drink and seen shorty by herself and said what up! He said picking his drink up and throwing it back.

We was just about to grab dinner, you wanna join us? Monster asked and I cut my eyes at him quick.

Baby I'm sure he's busy or have something to do! I suggested standing up.

Oh naw I'm straight I ain't got shit to do!

I gave a small smile and walked over to the hostess stand to get a table for 3. I was annoyed that he was on our date with us but I wanted to tell my husband what he was saying as well. Maybe he could of just been being friendly but the eye contact and lip licking was serious.

We sat at our booth and I sat on the inside of Monster and Mac sat on the opposite side of us between us. I grabbed my menu and started to look at what I wanted to eat. Honestly I could just go for some Ice cream and a waffle cone.

What you wanna eat baby? Monster asked opening his menu.

Umm I don't know I wasn't really hungry but I do want something sweet. I would really like some ice cream.

Dude you been eating ice cream since last week, ya ass ain't hungry?! He laughed.

Not really, I'm just tired I haven't gotten any sleep really.

Tired and want ice cream yeah that's pregnancy symptoms right there! Mac laughed.

Dang why can't a person want something just to want it people always say pregnancy the first thing.

That's cause I know ma boy be bussin you down! He laughed.

Come on man, that's my wife.....have some respect! Monster said looking up from his menu shooting Mac a shot that made him apologize instantly.

Ma bad bro I ain't mean no harm by it. Sorry Queen! I gave a small smile and nodded my head.

We all ate joked and laughed while they paid attention to the game. I was getting sleepy and wanted to leave so I left a couple minutes early.

I pulled back at home and shortly after that Monster did to. He opened my car door for me and I got out. "Thank you baby!" I said closing the door behind me.

You Ight you seemed distracted tonight?!

I'm fine....I do have a question though.

What's up?

You and Max..... you think he would ever cross you?

Hell naw we been boys for a long time. Why?

He just...i don't know he gives me a weird vibe a he said some stuff that made me feel uncomfortable.

Like what?

Like saying stuff about how pretty I am and like you don't know what to do with me.

He said that?

Yeah literally right before you walked up I'm surprise you didn't hear it.

Ight don't worry bout it ima take care of it! Come on, you owe me some pussy!

Boyyyy gone head! I said laughing.

I'm dead ass serious I damn near got blue balls come fuck me! He said as he unlocked the house doors.

Shut up please! I laughed.

Owee you got my dick hard! He laughed. We made our way upstairs to our bedroom and he couldn't help his self before we could get all the way through the door he had me up in the air over his shoulders and eating my pussy. It's safe to say he missed having sex just as much as I did.

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