Chapter 31

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I walked into school and Halo and her sister and two friends was standing by the door. I rolled my eyes and kept walking past them.

Oh look, look what the wind blew in a hoe! Halo said laughing walking behind me.

What's yo fuckin problem? I asked turning around to her.

You my fuckin problem, you had a fuckin baby with my man now niggas wanna disappear and not take care they kid cause of you.

Cause of me? That shit ain't got shit to do with me on why he left! You think I'm happy my son growing up without a fuckin dad?

You been around that other Nigga so much I know Micah needs a DNA test! She laughed making her friends laugh.

Micah a never need a DNA test for my son! He knows it's his and I know my son is his! First of all bitch don't worry bout me and mine cause we good worry about yo fuckin self and yo kid cause I'm bout two seconds away from layin yo ass out.!

Do it bitch what's up? She said pushing me. I dropped my book bag and she tried to swing at me. I punched her in her face and she pushed me into the locker. I was punching this bitch all in her Shìt. She was pulling my hair until I flipped her on the ground. Security was trying to break us up but I kept swinging on this bitch she ain't hit me not once.

What's going on? Machi asked running up to his girlfriend.

What's up bitch?! What's up? She yelled hyper trying to get around security.

Your lame! You a lame ass bum ass bitch your fuckin jealous over a fuckin baby! Ma son good bitch.

Bitch fuck you and yo ugly ass baby!

Bitch my son was never ugly bitch! That's why i just beat the fuck out you hoe! Come on let's run this shit again.

You ain't whoop my ass!

And did! You messy ass hoe!

That's why you have a fatherless baby bitch! Micah ain't gone never see that baby again and ima make sure of it! She yelled.

Bitch yo baby fatherless to wit yo mad ass!

No she ain't Micah been back, Micah been seeing his daughter while you got ghosted.

I looked over to Machi and he looked shocked. "What's going on?" Another male voice asked. I looked over and Micah was walking through the crowed.

Like I said your bum ass baby is fatherless bitch! She ran up again trying to hit me I grabbed this bitch by her hair and started swinging til I was dragging her on the ground punching her in her face hard.
Security pulled me off of her and I had her tracks in my hand.

Mention my son again bitch! Mention him again!

Fuck yo son!

I mustered all the spit I had in my mouth and spat on this bitch! "Fuck you, you dirty ass hoe!" I yelled she was pissed her sister tried to run up on me but Machi grabbed her back. Security threw Halo into the locker blocking her from me as another officer cuffed me.

He a never see yo son again! Only kid he got his my daughter.

Fuck you, fuck yo daughter and fuck you Micah! I yelled I was about to spit on Micah too but another officer stepped in front of me. I swear to god I was on 1,000 and I wanted to fuckin end both their lives. I can just imagine him being back and spending so much time with her and her baby and my son wasn't even seen not once! Never called or checked up on him he was gone for so long now this yeah okay!

I'm highly disappointed in you! The principal yelled at me.

That bitch been picking on me and bullying me for over a year!

All this over a boy Queen who's playing both of y'all.

He ain't just playin me he leaving my son out to fuckin dry are you fuckin kidding me!? You mad at me and this bitch started with me. Fuck outta here ain't nobody gone mention my son and think shit sweet.

What? And you think that's okay to fight? You have a son now so things is about him!

That was about him! She was disrespecting the fuck out of me and him!

Over a boy!

A boy that's my child's father!

And that's also her child's father.

I don't give a fuck about that. I didn't say shit to that lady she literally waited for me to walk through the school doors and called me a hoe!

I have to suspend you for 5 days Queen I can not have this going on in my school.

5 days? I've never been suspended in my life! That's gonna mess up my fuckin record for college!

Well you should of thought about that when you was fighting in my hallway.

That bitch swung on me first are you fuckin kidding me?

Do you wanna make it 10 days?

Fuck this! I yelled swinging open the door and walking out. I grabbed my bag knocking the chair over leaving out the office.

Queen? I heard my name being called. I turned back and it was Micah running towards me. "Can we talk please?"

Micah fuck you?! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!
I screamed hitting him. He pulled me into a bear hug.

Please let me explain! He yelled into my face.

There's nothing you can ever explain to me! You'll never see my son again fuck you! I yelled pushing him off me. I pushed through the school doors leaving out the school angrily.

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