Chapter 116

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Me and Monster was taking my mom out to lunch today. It was weird to be saying that but it was a good feeling. He was proud of me for making amends with my mom. He gone say some "couldn't be I would of just kilt her ass!" Like it wasn't funny but it was funny. I'm glad he can joke about his situation a bit but I know what we went through was 10 times worse and I hated that for him. Anyways he felt like my mom was genuine about everything so he said it was good I was giving her a chance.

Hi Mr. & Mrs. Stevenson! The hostess smiled greeting us as we walked in.

Hi! I smiled back and she showed us to the table where Sarah was. I gave her a small smile and squeezed into the booth. My stomach was starting to poke a bit. I just remember how big and miserable I was with Ja'Kari I don't know what ima do this time.

Hi how are you two?! Sarah smiled asking.

I'm fine just tired. How are you?

I'm great now. How's the babies?

They good! You ain't never been here before Ms Sarah so make sure order whatever you want!

Oh thank you, Monster!

Please call me Ja'Kari!

Okay, Ja'Kari thank you!

It's my pleasure! So how are you liking it here in New York? Different from Texas huh?!

Very different, and it's getting cool. I had to go by this jacket.

Yeah it's October now so it's bout start getting cold. You ready for that snow baby!

Hell naw. And we gonna have to hire someone to shovel cause I'm not getting stuck in nothing! I gotta buy the kids snow suits and stuff to. Please remind me cause I have pregnancy brain!

Hi guys my name is Malissa and I'm your server today what can I get y'all to drink! A girl said smiling coming over to our table.

I'll have a water please! I said looking at my menu. "I'll take a water as well!" "Make that 3 waters!" Sarah added.

Did you see anything on the menu you wanted?! I asked her.

Yeah it's a few things. What do you usually eat?

I get the Salmon bites with extra sauce and a salad. And a burger.

Mmm, I was looking at the Bacon Burbon Mushroom and Swiss burger.

Oh that's really good he usually gets that.

Oh really! I think I'll have that.

Excuse me for a minute ladies! Monster said getting up from the table to answer his ringing phone. He got up and left out the restaurant. As he was walking out a black truck pulled up and parked with blacked out tinted windows and he got in.

He's in the streets isn't he? Sarah asked with laughter.

What made you say that?

I know a drug dealer or a lord when I see one! I never would of thought you would be into guys like that...

What a drug dealer boyfriend or husband?

Yeah considering that I went through a such face of being on drugs. I thought you would of went for a guy more I don't know anything other than a drug dealer.

I didn't really have a type i always like to say that god had put him in my life cause I needed him. Him being a drug dealer had nothing to do with it!

Really? How did you guys meet.

I always believed in love at first sight but I didn't think that's something that could of happened to me....especially with somebody as handsome as him. I came up here to do a orientation for school!

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