Chapter 125

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Mr. And Mrs. Stevenson? A officer called out to us as I embraced my husband with a hug as they released him.

What the fuck is it now? He yelled pissed off.

We need for the both of you to come with us! An officer said taking his hat off.

For what? Fuck y'all!

Actually it's important it's regarding your son. The other officer said.

Is he okay? Where is he? I questioned stepping from behind monster.

You need to come with us! They motioned. I followed behind them and so did everybody else. They led us out the court house and into the police cars. We pulled up to the hospital and we was escorted down stairs.

Hi I'm Dr. Moore and we need you to identify if this is your son or not! A lady said meeting us at the door.

Where is he? I questioned and she took a huge sigh.

My son is dead isn't he? Micah asked with tears in his eyes. "This is the morgue isn't it!" He yelled angrily with tears in his eyes. My heart started beating so fast uncontrollably. I walked into the room and layed on a table a black duffel bag wide open. As I got closer I saw the most precious baby sleeping inside the bag. I picked his body up and he was cold to the touch. His little hands gripped his necklace that laid around his neck. I fell to the floor holding him close to my heart wishing I could hear his heart beat or a gasp of air escaping his body. I cradled him back and fourth stroking his little curls back.

I'm sorry! I'm sorry Ja'Kari! I'm sorry! Baby I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

He was found in this duffel bag with this bottle and laid on these silk sheets. We tested the milk because it smelt funny and he was loaded with meltin which is found in sleeping pills. Whoever did this probably couldn't take his crying and gave him some to make him be quiet. That dose for his age kilt him. Im
Sorry I have to this your son Prince Ja'Kari Stevenson?! The doctor said.

Ja'Kari cleared his voice before trying to speak..."Yes that is our son!" He kneeled down to me as my eyes was only fixed on my son holding his cold lifeless body. His little hands, feet, and toes. They was all taken away from me.

I looked up from my son and looked Monster in his eyes. "Im going to kill her!"

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