Chapter 121

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Hey baby! I smiled greeting Monster with a kiss as he walked in through the back door.

What's up! He he said kissing me back. I could tell he had stress written all over his face.

So I was able to finally get in touch with someone. Heaven which is Halo twin sister she is on her way to us to come get the baby and Machi is with her. Which they didn't even know that Micah was in jail! His sister is trying to get him a lawyer to get him out.

When they gone be here to get her?

She said she was able to get a direct flight so she should be here by 7 but that was around what 1?


But I think Halo has been abusing that baby!

What you mean?

First off she was so pissy I mean pissy as hell like her diaper was so full and she hasn't been changed since I don't know when. Her bum and inner thighs was so red and she has a bad rash. I gave her a bath and the water was so dirty ass if she never in her couple months of life had a bath. Like dirty ass in a grown person dirty. Than she was eating so fast I know she was starving. That baby had two whole entire bottles with in 30 minutes of each other. And that's not even the best part of it all.....she has bruises black and blue on her stomach and back and legs.

Damn....she really need to be in fuckin jail Queen you should of called the police.! And you know I don't even fuck around like that.

I know....but her aunt and uncle is coming to get her thankfully. Her and Ja'Kari is like twins.

Aht aht! Don't be thinking anything differently....

I'm not! But they are so precious together this is there first time meeting each other.

They never met?


Well maybe in the future they can meet again but you aren't keeping that baby!

I know and I don't want to plan to! I just want him to know and have a relationship with his sister.

He will when he gets a little bit older and can understand all of this that happened but for right now no that's not your responsibility.

Mr and Mrs Stevenson your guest have arrived! Our butler Charles said coming into the kitchen followed by Machi and Heaven!

Hi, how are you two? I smiled greeting them.

Hey, it's nice seeing you sis! Machi smiled at me and than extending his hand to Monster. Monster and a Machi always got along it was Micah the one that hated him.

What happened? Heaven asked concerned as I gave her the baby!

Well we was sitting on the couch when our doorbell rang yesterday and I went to open the door and she was outside in the cold no blanket or anything and with a note Halo left her on our door steps.

This is ridiculous....I didn't even know Micah was In jail!

Yeah well your brother has been doing some pretty messed up shit! She claims to have even been the one who shot Queen...

Micah couldn't of possibly shot Queen! Machi said confused.  (Heaven got quiet and looked away.)

He admitted to it when he broke in my house and put a gun to my head.


Micah is covering he didn't shoot you . When you got shot me my sister and him was out to eat. We pulled up when he called him to get the baby so he can meet you at the hospital.

Why would he lie? Monster asked folding his arms.

Cause he didn't want....Heaven began to speak but stopped herself.

Cause he what? I asked standing in front of her face.

Nothing where is her diaper bag?

She didn't have one. I washed the clothes she had on and her car seat cover. I got her a jacket and some diapers a bottle and some formula right there on the counter you can take it.

Thanks, come on we are going to miss our flight.! She said angrily.

Wait....Heaven...I know Halo was the one who shot me, Micah doesn't deserve to be in jail over what she did. Halo has been abusing her child, Micah loves his daughter that counts for something. She's the real one who belongs in don't have to cover for her either! I said sternly looking into her hurt tear filled eyes. She nodded her head and turned away.

Thanks y'all I appreciate it. Thank you for looking after my niece! I know Micah doesn't belong in jail if it's something I can do just let me know. Machi said sincerely.

Just get her to cooperate with the police give her aide of the story cause I know she was there and she knows who and why she Shot Queen. I agree Micah doesn't belong in jail for shooting her but he does belong there for all the other shit he did to my wife.

Wife? Y'all got married?

Yeah! We did! I smiled holding my ring up. His smile faded away. He always had hope me and Micah would find away back together but that would never happen!

Congratulations, I gotta go! He hit the side of his lip and began to walk away. We followed them to the door and they got in they car and drove off but as they turned out the gate the police was coming speeding down our driveway.

Is there a problem officers? I questioned as the chief got out his car.

Yes there is, Queen Stevenson your under arrest!

Under arrest? What? This gotta be some mistake! He  grabbed me by my arm forcefully pushing me into the police car hitting my stomach. I fell to the ground with shooting pain.

Stop resisting! He yelled with he knew on my back. I was bussing out in tears screaming my baby!

What the fuck is you doing muthafucka that's my wife and she pregnant! I could hear Monster in the distance yelling pissed off.

Mr Stevenson your under arrest too! Another cop yelled trying to detain him.

I'm pregnant! I yelled repeatedly but no one understood what I was saying. He yanked me up from the ground as police officer ran into my house with guns drawn.

Where is she? An officer yelled at me in my face I was crying so hard I was in pain.

Where the fuck is who? Monster yelled it's his face on the cop car.

Y'all kidnapped this innocent baby and your going to tell me where she is?! The cop yelled holding up a picture of Halo and Micah's baby!

Where is my baby? Halo cried getting out of another cop car.

Two cops came out holding Austin and Ja'Kari. "Oh my god my baby! My baby!" She cried putting on a show and snatching my son from the officers arms!

That's my son! That's my fuckin son! I screamed to the top of my lungs.

They put her in a cop car and she cradled my child looking out the window at me with a smirk on her face as I screamed to the top of my lungs.

That's my son!!!!!

Shalease pulled up running over to the cop that held Austin. They where placing him in her care.

Shalease call my lawyers have them meet us at the station now! Monster yelled loudly to her as they stuffed him in the cop car. The officer pulled my up and blood rushed from between my legs. My legs got weak and I fell and passed out.

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