Chapter 39

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I bought you some things in the closet! Monster said kissing my cheek as he came into the kitchen.

What you buy me?! I asked laughing taking a bite of my toast.

You'll just have to go see! I gotta go though. I know you not really ready to leave the boys so I got the guess house set up later for you to get a massage, hair and nails done. Be ready tonight at 8!

For what?! I laughed sipping my coffee.

Just trust me baby girl. Ms Mary gone watch the kids tonight I just need you to be ready by than please!

Okay okay! Thank you! I giggled he kissed my lips again and smiled before grabbing some keys off the key bored and leaving out. I finished my food eagerly. I was so ready to see what he got me. Monster had always gifted the best gifts. I washed my dishes and picked Ja'Kari up and we went upstairs to his room. His room was busy! Two maids was cleaning up making the bed and washing clothes. Three other people where moving clothes and shoes and boxes into what looked like another closet.

Miss. Dae right this way! A lady said pointing me to the closet. I was taken back when I seen all the shoes, clothes, purses, and jewelry every where. Every designer from YSL, Chanel, Fendi, Gucci, LV, Prada, Polo, Nike, Nautica, off white was all over the place. My mind was racing a million miles. I was in shock. "Mr. Moore have chosen these dresses for your nights events which do you prefer?" The lady said sitting me down on the white diamond encrusted bench. Three girls came and stood in front of me holding a dress.

The first one is a black Dress from Prada. This ties around your neck and has a deep v split on the boob area stops right above the knee.
The second dress is vintage Chanel. This is a fitted long sleeve black dress that stops right under the knee.
The third is another Chanel dress. This is a a long sleeve half off the shoulder dress, with some boob action on the left side. It hugs your body tightly and has a small Vcut at the bottom.

I'll take the last one.! All those dresses was so beautiful.

That dress is paired with a stiletto red bottom black heel. She said as she showed me the shoe. She showed me a matching Chanel clutch. My outfit and accessories was picked out and all ready for tonight. I was so super excited. I never in my life imagined being wined and dined like this.

Miss Dae the masseuse is here! Mary said coming into the room. She took my baby from my hands and I was led to the guess house. The guess house could of been a mini mansion. It was so beautiful! Roses and rose petals greeted me at the door. I was led into the living room. I undressed to nothing and got under the sheet. The masseuse started to rub all over my back with oil and it felt amazing.

Later On:

I finished getting dress and I felt amazing. I wasn't feeling like myself after having Ja'Kari. But I felt so amazing right now. I smelt amazing to. I couldn't help but to take some pictures in the mirrors that was glued to the wall.

Sexy as hell! A male voice said from the doorway. I looked up to see my man. He was so sexy! Monster was dressed in a all black Prada suit with some Prada loafers. He had a Cuban on and a Rolex. Than man looked like a million bucks. "That dress was my favorite too!" He said licking his lips as he pulled me closer to him.

Everything today was amazing thank you so much! I smiled as I kissed him.

You deserve it! He smiled "But we are going to be late let's go!" He led me out the door and we made our way out the house. The boys was sleep and I could enjoy myself.

Where are we going? I asked as he opened the car door. "Thank you"

Some where special! He said as he got in the car. He picked my hand up kissing it.

I'm so happy baby thank you!

The date didn't even start yet! He laughed as he pulled up to this really classy looking restaurant. I was excited. He opened my door and we went in holding hands. The hostess greeted us and took us to our table. The smell in here was amazing. The lights was dimmed and it was filled with tables and a stage. We sat in front of the stage at a table with his two other friends and their girlfriends. I pretty much remembered everybody and they gave me hugs as we sat down.

Bout time this Nigga came out! Q laughed pushing Monster a bit joking. They both started drinking their wine.
Monster looked at me with such awe. You know those moments when a guy is in love with a girl and he shows it by the way he looks at her. It was one of those looks.

Now coming to the stage please welcome KeKe Wyatt! I looked over at Monster and he smirked while laughing. He knew KeKe was my favorite singer my face was shocked. She came on the stage and I wanted to be a fan girl so bad. She started singing and he stood up and held my hand as we danced while she sang.

I love you! I whispered against his lips.

I know, I love you too!

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