Chapter 73

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I woke up to loud talking almost like yelling. I didn't really feel good either. Probably cause I went the whole entire day without eating than just passed out. I was still fully clothed from my clothes I had on earlier in the day. I fumbled around for my phone only to see that it was 2am. I got up slowly and seen the other side of the bed untouched.

I undressed down to nothing and layed back down. I stretched out laying in the middle of the bed. The bathroom door opened and Monster walked out but was surprised when he seen me woke. I rolled my eyes at him and turned over.

I'm sorry baby! His words hit me like bricks. I know his apology was sincere I could hear it in his voice. But I wasn't in a forgiving mood.

I pulled the covers back over me and layed there ignoring him. I felt him climb into bed behind me. He tried to move close to me but I moved away. I was annoyed right now. 1 we had plans and I waisted money and 2 I was woken up by the sound of his voice going off on whoever. If you was gone stand me up and disappear the least you could of did was shut the fuck up and let me sleep.

I didn't mean to wake you! He said pulling me closer to him. I reached on the night stand and grabbed my AirPods I wasn't playing anything I just didn't wanna hear him talk.

Yo seriously? Queen? He said taking one of them out. I looked at him with eyes that said "I will punch you in your face!" He sucked his teeth and let me go. Yeahhhh he was getting the silent treatment!
"Ight whatever dude!" He said annoyed before getting up. (GO TO HELL JA'KARI)

I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off. I hit snooze button on my phone and got up. Monster was still laid next to me sleep. I got up and went into the bathroom and his phone was in the counter. I picked it up to move it out the way and I seen a text message on the screen.
"But Monster why are you doing this to me? Please just text me back!"

I tried to unlock his phone but the password was changed. I instantly got pissed off. I went back into the bedroom and through the phone at his head. He jumped up pissed off. He picked his phone up and sat up.

What the fuck is going on? We married now this ain't no girlfriend boyfriend shit we are legally married! You better get to talking! I yelled folding my arms. He sighed and looked down at his screen.

It ain't nobody?

It ain't? That look like somebody to me! I trust you and I'm trying not to just go crazy for once and hear you out but you gone piss me off.

It's Alissa!

Who the fuck is that?

Alissa who took that lil charge for me when we first started talking....

Alissa you was fuckin.....your BM old friend?

Yeah..... she got out on my birthday and been texting me since yesterday.

Oh so that's what had yo ass in a frienzzy yesterday....that's the reason why you disappeared and stood me up.

No! The shit had just caught me off guard that's all and she wanted to argu and it was pissing me. I told her I was married and what we had was dead.

Yeah okay! You want me to believe that?

You don't have to look for yourself! He said standing up giving me his phone.

You changed your bum ass password!

Queen it's our wedding date! I made it my password so I'll never forget it!

I snatched his phone out his hand and out the new code in and it unlocked instantly. I rolled my eyes and went to the messages. It was so many messages it was making my head hurt.

So what you wanna do? I questioned folding my arms cause I know for a fact I was not about to get played. We can divorce real quick and he can go back to being the hoe that he is.

What you mean what I wanna do? Queen stop acting stupid please! I asked YOU to marry me, I got married to a YOU! stop being dumb or thinking dumb shit I'm not the Nigga that's gone hurt you. I fell in love with you. Your all I want and all I see. I was wrong for texting the bitch back but you see it for yourself that I was dubbing the bitch. I have you my last name, WE have a family! You understand me?


Ight than fix yo face and pack so we can get home! He said before sitting back on the bed. I rolled my eyes and went back into the bathroom to finish what I was gonna do.

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