Chapter 71

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Come here! I smiled wrapping my arms around MY HUSBAND neck as he leaned into me. I kissed his lips firmly with a smile. He wrapped his arms around my waist picking me up.

You so beautiful! He smiled.

Thank you baby! I blushed. I had butterflies in my stomach just from him looking at me.

His phone buzzed making us break our daze from each other. "I'll get it later!" He smiled embracing me again.

I don't want this honey moon phase with us to ever end! Your really my peace!

As long as we always vow to work on our emotions and talk things out I think it can last a life time.

I agree! (His phone started bussing again.) he got off of me to pick it up. The smile he had on his face turned into a frown quick. "What's wrong?" Inasked sitting up.

Uhhh nothing, something I gotta take care of when we get back to the states..... you figured what you wanted to eat yet?

Noooo, what do you have a taste for?

I'm actually not hungry any more!

You just said you was starving! Are you sure you good? You wanna handle that now?

Nah I gotta handle this later on it's nothing to major.

Mmmmk! I did have a relaxing boat ride under the sunset for us tonight.....did you still wanna do that?

Oh course! You ready?

Yeah! I got up and slid my Sandals on and he faked a smile. Whatever just came to his phone it was throwing him off. I didn't like that. We walked out the door and the whole time I'm thinking he's beside me he stopped and is standing in the middle of the hall looking down at his phone.

Ja'Kari? I yelled out turning around.

Bae go downstairs I'll be down in a minute. He said never looking up before turning around and going back into the room. I looked at him for a second than I just decided to go downstairs and wait for him. He must need some type of personal space to deal with whatever was on his phone at this moment. And as his wife now I could grant him that. I went downstairs and sat out front by the waterfall and pulled my phone out to text Yonna. I was missing my babies like crazy. I know they where getting ready for their baths by now and about to eat.

I felt like I was sitting down here for hours and in fact I was, well I wasn't but it felt like it! 20 minutes had gone by so I made my way back upstairs to the room and Monster wasn't even here.

Where the hell was he at? We was late to the boat ride now so it wasn't no point in going. I sat on the bed and tried to call him, his phone started going to voicemail. Okay now it definitely was some weird shit going on!

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