Chapter 21

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I opened the door and grabbed the mail from the mailbox as Eyonna and her baby was walking up the driveway. I opened the door wider for her to come in. She was in tears still, her hair was all over the place and her face was badly bruised. I hugged my girl so tight and comforting her.

It's okay boo! I assured her. "You can stay here as long as you need to!"

Thank you Queen I swear ima pay you back for everything!

No need to! This is what friends are for. What happened? I questioned grabbing some tissues. I took her baby boy Kaeson from his car seat and layed him next to Ja'Kari on the couch. Kaeson was 2 weeks older than Ja'Kari but was still so little and cute.

Queen I swear it's like my life is a living hell! She started as she was wiping her tears. I didn't know much about Eyonna but what I did know was that she was so cool sweet and down to earth. We we're so much alike.

What happened?

I was in my room getting dress. I had just got out the shower and Kaeson was downstairs in his swing. My mom just left to go to work and that's when her boyfriend Eric came in the house. He was so drunk! He came up to my room and he tried to touch me. We started fighting after he beat my ass he was so mad he ran downstairs and grabbed Kaeson by his shirt had him hanging I thought he was gonna kill my baby. He started going crazy he threw him at me, like literally threw my baby at me. My mom came back cause she forgot her badge. He started going crazy on her and she kept telling me to get out me and my baby had to get out. I been in the ER since last night with Kaeson making sure he was okay. He's fine nothing wrong with him thankfully. I been calling my BD and he hasn't been answering! I didn't know where else to go or who to turn to. She said through her tears. I hugged my friend and cradled her.

It's okay! It's okay! I promise you it's okay! I said in comforting her. Hearing her story brought tears to my eyes. I never thought I'd ever make it out of my situation alive and I did! I haven't gotten put to much thought to anything I use to go through, it's almost a whole year since i got away.
"Look Yonna you can stay here as long as you need to! I'll Help you with Kaeson and everything. I know exactly the pain your going through right now!"

You do?

Girl yeah! My mom is a crackhead who let her pimp rape me and I couldn't even have kids so I take every moment with Ja'Kari like it's my last. My brother turned into an abusive alcoholic behind that and he literally beat the shit out of me everyday of my life! So yes I know what your going through.

How did you manage to make it here?

I met my baby father and he felt like he had to protect me and helped me out the situation.

I wish I had a baby father like that!

Well I might not be your baby father but I am your friend! And friends watch each other's back no matter what. I cleared out the third bedroom for you guys. I have complete stock of diapers and wipes and stuff if you need anything for Kaeson let me know.

Thank you so much Queen I swear I appreciate you so much!

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