Chapter 67

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Fuck my fuckin outfit isn't fitting the way I want it to! I was pissed right now! Monster was going to be here any minute and I wasn't dressed. Our reservations was made for 8pm and I wasn't ready!

I went into my closet and started pulling stuff out. I found nothing.! I grabbed my original dress and pinned the inside of the dress to make it look tighter. After I did that it made my boobs sit up higher and hugged my body! My dress was black with two deep slits going up the legs. One part tied around my neck and connected to my arm and the other one came up enough to cover my boob and around my arm. It was different but it made it so much better. I put on my black open toe heels with the clear strap and clear heels in the back. I grabbed my black clutch and made my way downstairs just as Monster was coming in.

My man was looking so good! He wore a allllll black suit with black Gucci loafers. He was looking so good!

Hi handsome! I smiled greeting him.

Hi beautiful! He smiled as he held the door open for me.

He helped me down the stairs and made our way to the car. I got in before him and our drive drove off heading to the restaurant. I was starving and happy I was able to fix my outfit some what.

I can't wait to take this shit off you! Monster said licking his lips.

Keep waiting baby cause you gone have a long night! I smiled.

We finally got downtown to the restaurant, which was only a couple blocks away from the club and the hotel. He opened the door for me first and the waitress escorted us to the the rooftop where our candle light dinner awaited us.

Thank you! I smiled taking a glass of champagne from the server as Monster pushed my chair in.

Your welcome my love! He kissed me on my cheek and sat down. "You really didn't have to do this Bae."

I know baby stop saying that! When you got me you got alllllllll of this!

I know but damn!


Thank you mamas! I said as I kissed my girl helping her up from her seat. She couldn't stop smiling. Her smile was so contagious. This hands down has to be the best birthday I ever had. Adopting Ja'Kari was literally the best birthday gift I could of ever got. Plus all this was a plus. I was literally blown away. And it's crazy how much detail she put into things and how well she knew me.

Okay we have to go to this hotel first! She said as we walked to the exit of the restaurant!

Hotel? I questioned.

Yeah it's around the corner we are running late.

Bae come on now you doing to much! I laughed helping her in the car.

It's never to much for you! She assured me.

I followed her into the hotel and she started taking her earrings off as she walked. By the time we reached the room her dress was on the floor. I walked in and was completely blown away. It was rose petals and candles every where a big "Happy Birthday" sign in giant letters with pictures and ballon's of us and some gift bags on the bed.

Open it! She smiled pulling me to the bed. I grabbed the first bag and it was filled with money! I couldn't even count it right now!

How much is that?

200K! She laughed.

Bae come on!

Just keep going! She laughed.

I opened the next box and it was a gun with a green optic light and flash. My eyes got big and I felt like a lil girl inside.

You think you know a nigga huh? I laughed.

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