Chapter 113

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What's wrong with you? Q asked as I walked through the door of my warehouse. "Look like somebody pissed in yo Cheerios!"

Queen punched me in my face twice!

For what? What you do to her? He laughed.

Cause I tried to tell the truth for once and she punched me in my shit!

Man i know you love that girl! You ain't hit her back yeah yo ass in love! She don't know you beat on bitches?!

Man I'm tryna fuckin tell you. I took my hoodie off and shirt off and put my gloves on. I yanked the feeding tube out this nigga stomach. I hit him in his stomach so hard with a crowbar waking his bitch ass up.

He spat up blood in pain and I grasped everybody attention in here. I got him again even harder the second time breaking his skin.

I told you I was going to kill you and I ment every word I said! I said looking him in his eyes. The room was silent.

I been thinking how I wanted to do this! Should I just put 7 bullets in you, let you feel the pain the agony, the fire that fly's through my veins every second I think about every shot you put in me! I just wanna know why? I would of gave you whatever and I mean whatever it was that you wanted! You was my brother! I looked out for you since we was jits, and you tried to end me like I was the worst nigga in life! You been there for me at my darkest times. I should of known though....I should of!

Just kill me! Just do it! It was business!

I shrugged my shoulders. "It might of been but this, this is personal baby boy!"

You walk around here like you the biggest boss...


You not you a punk bitch ass little boy who got sexually abused as a child, who was a slave to his own mother. Yeah let these niggas know the real you! Ja'Kari Stevenson you a bitch. You kilt your own mother! He laughed.

YOU RIGHT I DID,  I KILT HER AT THE AGE OF 11 SO WHAT THE FUCK MAKES YOU THINK I WONT KILL YOU?! YOU REMEMBER HOW I KILT HER RIGHT? EAR TO EAR! I laughed Yelling loudly. I stood in front of him and cut his throat from ear to ear just how I did my mother! His eyes opened widely and he grabbed his neck as blood gushed everywhere. He stumbled all over bleeding out. Just how my mother was. I pulled my gun out and shot him in his body 6 times and the last bullet in his head. His blood poured from my skin and I didn't feel satisfied enough.

I grabbed his head dragging his body effortlessly to the creamery chopping his head off and throwing it in there. I watched his head burn on fire before it turned to ashes. All I could see was red. I pulled the ashes out and rolled two blunts.

Talk about smoking a nigga! Nigga is doing it literally! Q laughed as I poured the rest of the ashes on a cake with some sprinkles covered in blood.

I just want this to be a lesson to each and every single one of you in this room. I kilt my mother and my BestFriend and i won't hesitate to ever do it again! Cross me if you want to and I swear to god it'll be worse than this!

I put the rest of his body in a creamery and told Q to have them clean everything up. I put my sweater on and grabbed the cake. I got in my car and drove downtown to the east.

Oh my god is that my baby Monster get in here! Ms. Barbra said opening her door.

Hey Ms. Barbra how are you. I smiled

I'm good it's so good to see you! I was just telling Mac the other day I wanted to see you. I smiled. "I know you like sweets I bought you a cake!" I smiled sitting it on his table and giving his mom a hug.

Monster this looks good! His mom said

I made it special just for y'all! I said as I lit my blunt.

You want a piece baby?! His grandma asked grabbing something plates and a knife.

Naw I actually gotta go my wife waiting on me.

Wife?! Mac didn't tell us you got married! His mom said as she took a bite of the cake.

Sure didn't we have to meet her! His grandma said eating the cake.

I blew the smoke and smiled watching them eat there only son. "This is really good where you get this from?"

It's a special ingredient in it! Y'all enjoy! I smiled leaving the blunt. For his mom to finish smoking and she didn't hesitate to finish it.

By the end of the day they'll be dead!

I gotta go I just wanted to bring that for y'all, enjoy! I smiled before walking to the door. I could hear his grandmother choking. I got in the car and drove until I couldn't drive any more.

I pulled my sweater off of me and finished taking my clothes off putting them in a black bag with Ajax to be washed. I got in the shower letting all the hot water hit me as the dried blood began to wash off and go down the drain.

I kilt my bestfriend... I started to feel a different type of pain and sorrow no regrets at all but damn that was my dawg. I felt so betrayed and angry I wanted to do it all over again.

It's okay! Queen spoke softly laying my head on her chest. She wrapped her arms around me and wiped my fallen tear. "I got you baby, it's okay!" I kilt a lot of Niggas and I mean a lot nobody death hit me this hard.

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