Chapter 87

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Waking up with my husband next to me felt so amazing. I felt so safe and secure with his arms around me. Knowing I was protected!

Where you going? He asked through moans as I was trying to get up.

To shower, and get ready for the day my first class starts at 8.

It's 6:30 Queen!

Yeah but I have to get the kids together.

Don't worry about that I'll do it, lay down for a lil bit longer. He pulled me back into his embrace and kissed me.

Baby I can't!

Please! He begged making me smile. He put my leg over his and his hand in my shirt.

Just for a lil bit. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips as he cuddled me.

I love you!

I know you do!

You ain't gone say it back?

I love you to Ja'Kari! I giggled kissing him again.

Yeah ight don't play with me this early now.

Or what!

Or nun you already know what daddy say go!

Yeah ight!

Gimmie kiss! He said pulling me on top of him so I could straddle him as he pushed my hair behind my ears. I kissed his hand as he touched my face and he gazed up into my eyes. I loved how he showed me how beautiful I was without having to say it.
"I missed you!"

I missed you to! I leaned in to kiss him but before our lips met I heard glass break. We stopped and looked at each other for a moment. A couple seconds later we heard it again. I jumped off of him and he jumped up grabbing his gun from the night stand he quietly left the room. I made my way down to the kids room and checked on them. They both was sound asleep. I rushed down the stairs and two huge bricks was sitting on the floor by the door. Someone broke the windows above the door. I picked the bricks up and they both had pieces of paper on them. 

We have to call the police! I said to Monster as he walked back into the house closing the door.

What? Why? He asked taking the paper from my hand. "You'll pay for what you done to Micah!" He read aloud. "Call the police! Just so we can keep a paper trail, this probably was..."

Halo?! I said annoyed cutting him off walking away. I grabbed my house phone from the kitchen and as the phone rang I made contact with Micah's letter on the counter.

Hi yes I need to make a police report, there was just an attack on my home. I stated as a woman answered. I just wanted all this mess to be over. I showed no interest in Micah wanting to be with him or anything I told him to leave me alone multiple times. I just don't understand why there is so much drama following me from him. I had so much love for Micah at a point of time but he did me wrong and now I'm suffering from it!

What they say? Monster asked coming into the kitchen.

They'll be here in 15 minutes.!

Ight! He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

I just don't understand why all of this?!

I can't tell you! But I will fix it. She keeps on they baby will be mother and fatherless!

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