Chapter 96

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I felt like me and Ja'Kari was officially locked in. He opened up to me and so many ways during this trip. Actually letting me see him kill people and sell drugs. He even broke some stuff down teaching me a few things. All that shit was interesting to me and I could see how happy it made him to be showing me this side of him, his world. And in all honesty I didn't feel any type of way about seeing him kill anybody.
I was more so afraid of not being the girl he's used to having. That ride or die gutta bitch. I know that's what sets me aside from any girl he's ever dated.....but we not dating we married and I wanna be that for him so he don't go looking for it in someone else. This weekend just showed me even more I just never wanna lose my man!

How you feeling? He asked as he came and finally took his seat after we got on the plane.

I feel great actually, tired but great!

Good! But I need to talk to you about something serious.

What is it?

This weekend! Come on! He got up and pulled me to the back of the plane and closed the doors once I was inside.

What's wrong?

I know I trust you with my whole entire life but I gotta know that it's the same. You seen shit that could do the most absolute harm to me if you ever was to cross me....

Baby I'd never...

Let me finish! Queen I love you I'm in love with you. We married for life like we locked in baby. I need to know if you'll ever turn on me....

Ja'Kari no I wouldn't! And thoughts like that never crossed my mind.

So you wouldn't have a problem signing this contract. (He pulled out a piece of paper from his bag.)

Contract? You don't trust me?

Nun personal baby I do this with all the close and personal people I work with. This contract states if you cross me you die. I will federally fuck you in so many ways you'd never think was possible before I end your life! He said bluntly while I read the contract. It was so detailed oriented. Only a sick individual would think of the shit that's on here.

Where's the pen?I asked annoyed. I'm going to sign because I know I have no desire to go against him ever even if we leave each other on bad terms.

It's no pen! He pulled a knife from his pocket and took my hand and cut it deep letting the blood drip on the paper! He than cut his hand and it dropped on the paper as well.

He took some gallas out his bag and placed them on my hand and cleaned the blood and bandages it.

"Now we linked in forever!" He smiled. I wasn't sure how I actually felt right now like my word wasn't enough for him but I get it I whole heartedly get it. I seen some crazy shit this weekend and I would wanna know if he was down for me like that as well.

You okay? He asked holding my hand.

I'm fine.....

You mad at me?

No....I get why your doing what your doing I's just that it caught me off guard a bit.

He took a deep sigh, I'm sorry I shouldn't of never let you in this part of my life. He said with sorrow eyes, I could tell he was regretting all of this now.

Baby it's fine....I'm fine! I understand....Ja'Kari you'll always have my word even if things between us go left baby you'll always have my word that I never take it there with you. I love you! I wrapped my arms around his waist looking up to him. "I love you Ja'Kari!"

I love you more baby, I swear I do! And ain't nun in this world ever gone change that!!

I know baby! I stood on my toes and kissed his lips and he hugged me tight.

Thanks for coming with me this weekend I really needed this with you.

You and me both. I can't wait until we take another trip, I love how you was teaching me new things everyday. I love when the student becomes the master! I laughed a bit to lighten up the mood.

Man how did I get so lucky to have someone like you?! He smiled softly staring at me.

I ask myself that same question everyday!

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