Chapter 126

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I need those pills you gave me please! I begged Monster in tears. He cradled my body rocking back and fourth as I cried and cried and cried into his arms.

Your going to over dose Queen I can't baby!

My baby! Is gone he's gone! He's gone! He's gone! God hate me! He hates me so bad I just wanna die! Please let me die!

Queen baby listen to me! He does not hate you! You can't die! I love you hold on baby for me please. I need you here with me!

It's not fair! It's not fair. It's not fair! It's all my fault! I shouldn't of never opened the door! I shouldn't of opened that door for that little girl!

Baby it's not your fault it's not!

My only child! Ja'Kariiiiiiiiii! I screamed and screamed and screamed to the top of my lungs I was losing my mind. I was losing it.  Monster let go of me and I got up so fast grabbing his gun off the dresser. I put it to my head and cocked it back.

I can't lose you too. I lost him as well and I wouldn't be able to handle losing you to Queen please baby....please Queen! He cried holding on to my legs crying. I fell to the ground holding him dropping the gun from my head.

Look at me! We gonna make it okay? Okay? He yelled at me through his tears to look me in my eyes. "We are going to make it!" He yelled repeatedly. I know I wasn't. It was just a matter of time I was going to kill myself. I couldn't bare to Bury my only child. He reached into his pocket and gave me two pills and some water. It was like I was shutting all my humanity off. He pulled me into his arms and we sat on the floor with my eyes closed as I cried and until I fell asleep.


After Queen finally fell asleep I laid her body on the bed and kissed her forehead. She was going through it so hard. My heart was so broken for the both of us. I didn't know how to feel.

I got on my knees and folded my hands.....

God.....I don't ask for nothing at all. And I know we not suppose to question you but if I could of did anything in this world I would of traded places with my son. He had his whole life to live and if it was anybody that deserved this it was me......I should of been the one you took not him. Queen didn't deserve this! I didn't deserve this. That was My  child my son! And you took him away.....I know I done did a lot of hell in my life and I'm prepared for all the consequences but that one wasn't fair. I'm begging you to give me and Queen the strength we both need to get through this especially her! You took both of our children away and it's just some things we can't handle. I'm begging you to help heal our hearts and help us through this. Please dont take her away from me too.

In Jesus name I pray aAmen!

I grabbed my Glock off the nightstand and took the clip out. I wiped my tears and watched my wife sleep. She hadn't slept in days. She was so distraught we couldn't even plan a funeral. I couldn't wait to find this bitch ima kill her in the most horrible way I could ever imagine. I'll kill her daughter and feed it to her. I felt like I was fuckin going crazy. My baby boy man! My son! This shit was eating mw alive I wasn't there for him. 

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