Chapter 32

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I love you so much my Ja'Kari! I smiled picking my son up kissing his face. "I love you handsome boy!" He smiled at me and his eyes showed so much love.

A knock filled my living room and I went to the door to go open it. "Hi I have a delivery for Queen!" A lady smiled holding a bouquet of flowers and a red box.

That's me! I smiled. I can just leave this right here if you like I see your holding a baby! She giggled.

One second! I giggled going back to lay my baby down in his chair. I walked back to the door and she had the flowers above her face. I took the flowers and a big smile was before me. I smirked a bit and he handed me the box.

Hi mama! His deep raspy voice said with a smile.

Hi Ja'Kari! I smiled back slightly. He was the last person I ever expected to see.

What happened to your face?

Oh it's nothing! These are beautiful my favorites.
Thank you!

Don't lie to me!

I got in a fight?

With who?

A bum bitch!


Bitches love to start with me, Monster that bitch had me so upset I'm suspended from school.

Shorty? Ya bd shorty?


Why you let her try you? You know she just jealous of you.

Facts she is but I didn't tell you....Micahs been missing in action literally for months and she brings up the fact that he been seeing her daughter and been around for god knows how long. This Nigga shows up in the middle of the fight!

Told you he was a fuck Nigga!! Where my son?

He's in the swing. You might as well be his dad now since obviously he doesn't want to be a father to my son.

Fuck him. We gotta talk anyways! He said as he handed me the box I opened it and it was a bunch of chocolate covered strawberries that said "I'm sorry". I closed the door and walked into the livingroom as he poured sanitizer all over his hands to pick Ja'Kari up.

What we gotta talk bout? I asked taking a bite of the strawberries.

The way shit went down between us. I had to fix this and I know this been a while.

Monster do you have a baby on the way or not?

No Queen I do not! Look Shalease had my phone when I was locked up on some business shit. She knew it was you calling and her jealous ass told you she was pregnant to piss you off and stop you from calling.

I over reacted but it's like you fucked me, left me, a bitch told me she was pregnant by you, you was in jail than boom!

I know....I know! And im sorry for all of this I never intended on you feeling anything that'll make you hate me in anyway. I'm sorry! I missed y'all so much. I ment it when I said I love you!

And I love you to Monster. You know this already.

I do so do you forgive me?

Yes.....I missed you. I sat next to him on the couch and he kissed me.

I miss you to mamas. Austin been asking me bout Ja'Kari and when he going to see him. All he do all day is grab my phone sayin "Een and Baby"

Well since I'm suspended I think we can plan a trip and come up there and see him. I miss his cute little face.

I'll like that!

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