Chapter 102

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With the holidays right around the corner I was starting to feel a bit over whelmed. I never had a family or even celebrated the holidays. I wanted everything to be perfect for my kids even if they are babies.

Hey baby! I said kissing my husband as he walked through the doors of our home and walked right over to me picking me up from the stairs.

What's up baby girl! He smiled kissing me back before putting me down.

Nothing I was just thinking.....

Thinking about what cause every time you start thinking yo ass wanna go spend money!

Noooo well okay it has everything to do with money! I laughed.

Oh lord what you want Queen?

A decorator! I smiled hard with pleading hands and my lip poking out.

A decorator? For what?

Well the holidays are around the corner and I wanna decorator the house.

So you need a decorator for that?

Yeah, are you gonna put my lights up outside?

You right get a decorator!

Thank you baby! I smiled happily kissing him again.

Yeah yeah yeah just let me know how much I need to give you. He said walking up the stairs.

I already got some numbers and we looking at about 1,500 at the least and 4,700 at the most.

Ight I'll give you 5 later. Can you do me a favor?


Make me a sandwich, give me some pussy, and wake up at 7.30 I'm tired as fuck.

I can make you a sandwich and wake you up later! I laughed.

You can't give me the most important one? He asked turning around fast as fuck making me laugh.

The kids are woke.

Where Mary?




It's only gone take a minute.! I can bus you down real quick.

Bae yo bus down is not no minute. I think the least amout of time we ever fucked was like 45 minutes.
I laughed walking back down the stairs.

Okayyyyyyy? Come on I need to bus this nut! He whined following me to the kitchen. "Ain't they bouta take they nap?"

No they just woke up Ja'Kari!

Come on! He pled standing behind me bumping his dick on my ass grabbing my hips as I grabbed the stuff on the counter to make his sandwich. He kissed my neck and my ear knowing that was my spot.

Baby, the babies! I said through ny moans. But it's like he disregarded everything I said and pulled my shorts down he bent me over the counter and slid in slowly. He felt so good inside me. He grabbed my hips and stroked deeper. I could feel myself letting all my juices flowing.

Damn bae I'm bouta nut! He said turning me around and sliding back in after putting me on the counter and pulling me to the edge. He started kissing my neck and I started to cum all over him. He rubbed my clit as I was climaxing making my moans turn into screams.

Fuck I'm bouta bus! He moaned against my lips.

Nut in yo pussy daddy! He started going faster and deeper and I couldn't control myself. He was nutting after those words left my mouth.

Fuck Queen! He laughed pulling out.

You the one who just wanted to have sex! I laughed jumping down from the counter.

I just so happened to turn and look and seen Mac at the back door. I screamed as he scared me. I fell to the floor grabbing my shorts and hurrying to put them on. Monster fixed his self and made his way over to the door.

Ma bad bra I was at the front door knocking I just came Around to the side. Mac said as he came in shaking the rain off his hat. I was so embarrassed. I wondered how long he was there for.

You should of called!

Ma phone died! Look I need a place to stay tonight you mind if I crash here.? This bitch kicked me out!

Yeah we got room in the basement. Go pick a room down there. You good?

Yeah! And don't worry i ain't see y'all do nun! He said laughing looking at me going down to the basement. I finished his sandwich and he laughed.

It's not funny, here!

He probably ain't even see nun for real!

Ja'Kari your dick was going in and out of me full thrust you think he didn't?

Long as he don't say no stupid shit we good! Thanks baby! He kissed my cheek and went up the back stairs.

I cleaned the mess we made and went upstairs and took a quick shower than came back down to feed my babies lunch.

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