Chapter 44

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I finally found a baby sitter out here in Texas after searching for a week. I didn't trust many with my son but it was driving me crazy not knowing or seeing Queen. This tender dick ass Nigga Micah wouldn't give me an update and the hospital wouldn't either unless I came in cause they can't disclose information over the phone.

I dropped my son off to the day care lady and made my way up to the hospital. It was already visitors in her room as I had to wait.

It seemed like I waited out here for hours which I did before it was clear for me to go up and see her. I opened the door slowly and I was so nervous. I heard talking so I really didn't know what to expect.

I walked all the way and her eyes lit up when she seen me. Her and the nurse conversation immediately stopped. I ran over to her with tears in my eyes.

I'll let you guys be! The nurse smiled before walking out.

Your okay! I plead with relief in my voice. I was trying not to break down but this shit was making me emotional as hell.

I'm fine! She said with a smile. "Where have you been?" She asked really wanting to know. "I woke up and you wasn't here Micah said you never tried to see me? What's going on with you Ja'Kari? I expected that from him not you!"

It's not what it seems like....

Than help me understand cause I'm confused.....I loved you with all my heart Ja'Kari and I don't feel right knowing that I was shot behind a bitch asking about your son. Like bitches know where I live! I have a 2 month old baby who needs his mother. He lays his head there, not only that but your child who I love so much from the bottom of my heart like his was mine, is going to live there! And I'm not comfortable knowing that some females or male or whoever knows where I live and can harm me or my children again!

I know baby! And I'll move you right out that shit! I don't know what the fuck happened or what that shit was even about.

I think it's best you tie whatever lose ends you have with your BM before you come back to me cause I'm
Not interested in losing my life or my child's life in some bullshit !

So what you saying....?

Sir visiting hours are over! The nurse said coming back into the room.

Hold on! I yelled. "Queen? Answer me!"

Bye Monster! She said before dismissing me. I stood up to my feet. I looked at her for a few seconds licked my lips smirked and walked out. And people wonder why I got a heart full of ice. I pulled off from the hospital and went to go get my son. I payed the lady and made our way back up to the airport. I bought us a flight. I need to get back home!

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