Chapter 37

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I woke up feeling so fresh and rejuvenate it. The morning sun kissed my face through the windows. As I looked back Monster was still sleep behind me. The sun shined in his face giving him this beautiful glow to him. I kissed his sleeping lips softly and got up slowly. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth wash my face and use it. I could spend all my time in the bathroom it was so beautiful.

I checked on the kids and they where still sound asleep. Ja'Kari literally sounded like he was snoring. I fixed the blanket on Austin and left the room. I fixed my baby his morning bottle and sat it in the bottle warmer. Monster really had every baby gidget and gadget there was that I wanted not, only at home but here too even though this was our first time here.

I pulled a few things out for breakfast and dinner but I was startled when I seen a man walk into the kitchen. He was an older gentleman who wore a suit and tie. "Can I help you?!" He asked frantically taking the eggs from my hand.

I was about to make breakfast...

What did you have in mind miss? I'm chef Brown, this is my kitchen and no one is to prepare a meal in here except me!

I'm sorry I didn't know!

It's okay. I have a menu already prepared would you like to take a look to order?

Oh wow yes please! I said with a smile. He directed me to sit down and he had a full course menu laid out for me with details on a iPad.

GoodMorning Mr. Brown! A male voice said coming into the kitchen. I looked up and it was Monster coming in. Mr. Brown gave him a bag and a coffee mug. "Morning beautiful!" He said kissing my cheek. "I see you met Mr. Brown!" He said with a laugh.

Yeahhhhh! I giggled.

I see you didn't warn her to stay out my kitchen either! Mr Brown said as he turned the oven and stove on.

Sorry about that I didn't think she would of been woke before you got here! Mr Brown this is Queen my girlfriend, Queen Brown the house chef. You will see three other people around here. Two ladies Adela and Mary they are the house maids. Tony is the gardener and landscaper. Monster talked as he opened the black bag and it was filled with money as he was starting to count it. "Brown doesn't like anyone in his kitchen this is his section anything you would like to eat he will make it for you, food is amazing!" He added before walking over to the open pantry. He stepped in and pressed some buttons turning the lights on, on a keypad than the walls opened up and it was like a huge arsenal and office. Guns, money, and drugs was everywhere.

You can come in! Monster said with his back turned away from me. I walked into the room slowly and he walked back to the doors. "Steak, eggs, and potatoes for both of us Brown!" He yelled back and pressing a few buttons on the key pad.

I was in shock at this office or room whatever it was. It was dark with led lights going around the walls in blue and green. One wall was filled with different types of guns from big to small. He even had grenades of all sorts. Another wall had 4 big tv's that was a security cameras inside and outside the house.

I usually don't bring nobody in here or anyone even knows about this room really except Brown but your going to be my wife one day! He said with a smirk taking a sip of the coffee he had.

Oh am I? I asked with a nervous laugh.

Yup! And when you finally do move in you'll get the codes. This is one of my offices, not my main one but I find peace in here. If you ever needed a weapon or anyone was trying to break into the house there is a arsenal pick your poison! There are the security cameras you will never find the cameras they are all over the house. Back there in this first closet is a lifetime storage supply of food called MRE's Meals Ready To Eat! Down that hall leads to what I call the underground road. And down there is a separate house with any and everything you can think of. I have secret passage ways all around the house for like floods, if an invasion was to happen, or just anything. When I built this house all I thought about was my son and saving my son. Now I have you and Ja'Kari to think you know you'll always be safe with me!

I know we will be! I said with a smirk. I did feel completely safe when I was with and around Monster. He generated this certain type of energy that I was drawn to.....I felt safe like I didn't have to worry about a thing spiritually or physically.

He pulled me Into him and kissed my forehead. "How did you sleep?"

Really good, your bed is amazing!

Now you see why I don't be answering the phone at night a Nigga be knocked out!

I see! I laughed. He took a seat at his desk and opened his laptop sitting me on his lap. He grabbed his coffee and began to drank it.

Taste this! He smiled. He seemed so happy this morning. I tasted his coffee and that was the best coffee I've ever had! "That shit good as hell isn't it!"

Yes what brand is that. It taste so fresh.

Actually it's fresh ground coffee beans roasted from Arabia!

What! Oh you a fancy Hoe!!

Please believe me baby! He laughed making me laugh. "Naw but I had went to visit some family out there a couple years ago and been drinking it every since. You want a cup?"

No I'm okay thank you. Your Arabian?

Yeah and black. My father was Arabic.....

Are your parents still together?

No uhhh it's complicated....

How so?

Enough about me!

Nooooo! You said I'm gonna be your wife so I need to know everything about my man than! I giggled.

I'll tell you when the time is right! He smiled pushing the hair out my face kissing me. "You want me to be your man?"

Monster stop! I giggled pushing him away getting up from his lap. He pulled me back picking me up sitting me on his desk. "What are you doing?"

I'm bouta put my dick in you in a minute is what I'm bouta do BUT what's up really ready to fuck with me?

Honestly? Ja'Kari I love you and I told you I ment it when I said it.....I just don't wanna be hurt anymore. I never had this before this'll be my first real relationship and I don't wanna hurt you either.

Why you think you'll hurt me?

Cause dude.....I might get scared and break up with you or something....I don't know I never been in this situation before. And I don't want you cheating on me we live In two different places.

I won't give you a reason to break up with me. And I'm almost always out there with you. You ain't gotta worry about cheating!

And why don't I? You a nigga! You fine as fuckin hell. You got money, when you walk out the door you always look presentable I know you still talk to girls now, hell your baby mama is dumb in love with you.

Aye my baby mama ain't shit you ever gone have to worry about. You the only baby moms I want and need. Even though Ja'Kari isn't mine ima always treat him like he is and you know that. I been there for you since you was pregnant that's my son. I don't see myself messing that up for nobody. I wanna start something with you. I wanna watch us grow into something. I'm ready to see you chase all your dreams with me standing 10 toes behind you.

Why? Ja'Kari why are you so good to me?

Cause Queen you had my heart since I first ever laid eyes on you!

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