Chapter 18

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I was so pissed off once I left Queen house I just drove around and around until I passed my 5th liquor store. I wasn't gone drink but I had to.

I popped the bottle on the henny bottle and sat in my car drinking in front of the water. I was trying to relax so bad but I couldn't help but shake my nerves was bad.

I been going through so much shit these past couple weeks and that was the only thing that was keeping me sane.

I'm so glad I didn't tell her about Halo and Machia. Now I feel like the same situation is happening again, just with Queen and Prince.

I wiped my tears and finished the bottle. My feelings was really hurt that Queen moved on from me. I just didn't think it would of been so soon.

I pulled into the driveway and Machi was sitting on the porch smoking a blunt. We didn't talk much these past few weeks. He been upset about Heaven breaking up with him and he potentially being a father to a baby he had no intentions on in this world.

You know these past few weeks we been through some shit! I said sitting on the porch with him.

That's a fact! You get a test back yet? He asked taking another puff and passing it to me. I didn't open the email cause I had Prince. Did you?

Yeah, I'm not the father! He said with relief in his voice.

If you not than I'm probably not since we identical twins we got the same DNA.

Yeah that's what mommy said! I sent it to Heaven and still haven't gotten a text or call from her! I really lost my bitch! He said super pissed off.

I pulled my phone out and went to my emails finding the email from earlier. I looked at the phone in disbelief.

What it say? He asked taking another puff.

I turned the phone around to him to show him and he just looked at me. "What you gone do?"

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