Chapter 11

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You packed everything in here? Micah asked as I handed him the baby diaper bag.

Yeah! I put extra milk in there too.

Ight see you later. He said buckling my baby into the car. Ja'Kari was spending the day with his dad and his family. He assured me that Halo wouldn't be around so I didn't have anything to worry about. It did pretty good last week so I thought it was okay to let him go again.

I got in my car and pulled off getting on the expressway. I pulled into Senior Tequila Club House parking lot. I was meeting Eyonna for a late lunch/dinner. We decided on drinks and tacos. She stood at the door waiting for me. We was both baby free and had to get him. We was forming a great friendship.

Hey friend! She said giving me a hug.

Hi there cutie! I smiled hugging her back.

No you look cute! Okay make up.

Ya feel me! I had to throw something together! I giggled as we went inside. The hostess sat us at a booth and the dj was bumping the music. He played some Spanish and some hip hop. I definitely could come here again it was a whole vibe.

My phone started ringing grasping my attention from the menu. I swiped over to answer the FaceTime and it was Monster.

Hey! I smiled shyly. We haven't talked much in the phone since that day two weeks ago when he answered while having sex.

What's up what you doing? He asked licking his lips taking a puff of his blunt. He was so cute. He often made me blush a lot. I did have a huge crush on Monster but I wasn't sure if it was because we really did form a huge connection and I really did like him or I loved how he felt about my son.

I'm out with my friend! Getting some food and drinks!

Oh where my son?

Uhh he's with his dad?! I said unsurprisingly.


Monster he does have an actual father ya know.

Oh that Nigga finally wanna be a dad now! He said sarcastically. I could tell he was annoyed.

I guess, I'm not gonna stop him though....

Ight! I just called to check on y'all call me when you get him back. He said before hanging up.

Owee he sounds pissed Eyonna said putting her menu down.

He is! He hates My son father!

Who is that your boyfriend?

No! I met him literally when I first found out I was pregnant and I had to go to New York for my college orientation and he was where I was staying he was like some drug dealer or whatever. We literally just clicked like we been inseparable. He flew here all the time to come to doctors appointments with me and all. I made him Ja'Karis God dad that's how much he ment to me and he stepped up and you would of thought he was my actual baby father the way he goes. My son has literally everything including a college fund because of him. You can't tell him that Ja'Kari isn't his. Now that Ja'Kari dad is stepping up a bit he isn't to happy about it.

Why not?

I don't know I just feel like maybe he feels like he's gonna replace him or we gonna get back together and shut him out the picture or something but that will literally never happen.

Why y'all just don't get together?

He has bitches yonna!!! Like that man is a hoes! Plus I don't think he feels the same about me the way I feel about him. I think that'll crush me if he didn't.

I mean he gotta feel something for you since he's literally giving you and your child the world and getting mad at the fact that your son real father wants to step up.

Yeah I thought about it like that too but I don't know. I just don't wanna set myself up for something that might not happen.

Yeah I feel you. That's how how I feel about my baby father. He literally was just my sneaky link and I got pregnant. I like him a lot but I know he isn't really into me like that. That's why I don't bother him that much.

Well he liked you that much to put a baby in you.

That he loves so much. He literally is in love with his son he sweats him but it's like okay what about me. You use to always tell me how much you like me but like okay what else do you want a relationship or what?

Girl these guys don't be knowing what they want. They want you enough so that nobody else can have you cause soon as they see the next giving you attention they wanna be mad but they don't reciprocate that same energy.

Exactly it pisses me completely the fuck off I hate that shit so bad.

Hi ladies can I get you something to drink! The waitress smiled coming over to us. We gave her our drink and food order.
They food was so good here and the drinks was good. I definitely needed this girl time with her. It's been so hard keeping everything to myself. Like I know I could of talked to Monster about any and everything but sometimes I just need another girl to converse with.

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