Chapter 127

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Wanna ride with me? Monster asked putting a bullet in the head of his gun.

To where?

Some where special! He smiled. I haven't seen or he haven't smiled all week.

Yeah! I got up and grabbed his hoodie and put it on. He grabbed my hand and we walked down the stairs. He opened the door for me and Micah was standing outside. He had a look of sorrow on his face.

Hey Queen! He said sadly. He opened the car door for me and I got in and Monster got in the driver side. Micah got in the back seat and so did Sean.

He pulled off heading down the driveway and I leaned my head against the window. I had trouble focusing on life since that bitch kilt my son. I felt like nothing was even worth it anymore. I just wanted to die. Both of my baby boys was literally taken from me.

Monster pulled up to this building and they got out. He opened my door for me and I got out slowly.

You okay? He asked concerned.

No baby I just wanna go home! I wiped my tears and he kissed my forehead.

I know, after this....I got something for you. It might not make you feel better but it's gone make you feel better. He grabbed my hand and led me into the warehouse. Soon as we walked in I seen her. I seen her! I let go of Monsters hand and ran to her. I started to attack her. I punched and kicked and punched so hard repeatedly over and over and over again. I was attacking her as if my life depended on it.

Get her off of her! Micah yelled.

If any of y'all touch my wife I'll kill y'all! Monster yelled cocking his gun back. Everybody stood back and let me finish attacking her. I wanted to rip her face off.

I backed up huffing and puffing hard as fuck as tears flew down my face. "Why did you kill him? Why? What did he do to you? He was a baby!" I screamed through my tears. I kicked this bitch so hard in her head it damn near flew off. Monster pulled me to him and I pulled away from him slapping Micah so hard across his face.

You just had to get with that crazy dumb bitch! She kilt our fuckin son! How about I kill your daughter? How about that?

I didn't mean to kill him! He was crying and crying and I didn't realize what I was doing and I gave him some sleeping pills to make him be quiet so I could think. I just wanted to hurt you because you had his heart....I just wanted him to ourselves. He was always worried about your son and you like he didn't care about us.

He always cared about y'all. He never gave a fuck about me or my fuckin son and you took him away from me. He's all I had!

All you had? You have a family and a husband you have money and cars and a house you have everything! Why did you take my man from me.?

I didn't take him from you! He always chose you over me. My baby was innocent and that's his dad! That is his father! That man loved him and been there since day one for my child not MICAH. MONSTER WAS HIA FATHER AND YOU STOLE HIM FROM US!

I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt him!

Well sorry can't cut it. I turned away from her walking back to Monster. "Show her why they call you Monster, have no mercy on her!" I said sternly to him.

Your gonna let them do this to me? Micah! She cried out so hard.

You kilt my child! You took things to far! You tried to kill her. I did love her...I still love her. You made life this way for what? I hate you for everything you ever done. It's out of my hands. I should pull the trigger myself but I can't.!

Monster put on a pair of gloves and grabbed her by her hair dragging her to the bucket of water pushing her face into the water. He went back and fourth for minutes. He through her to the ground before picking up a pair of pliers and snatching all her teeth out her mouth. Than D took all her finger nails off and toenails and chopped her fingers off.

Hurt filled Monsters eyes and he was so angry. He was making it so that she wouldn't even been recognized when she was found.

She screamed and cried through all the pain they put her through. Dre and Q held her arms apart stretching her body apart. Monster kicked her back in damn near breaking her spine with his one kick.

She fell to the ground hitting her face he grabbed his scalpel and cut her chest open a bit pulling her heart out just before it ripped out. He put his gun down her throat and tied the trigger to her heart. The more her heart beated and faster it went the trigger squeezed tighter and tighter. I grabbed the scalpel from his hand and slit her throat from ear to ear looking her in her eyes. She squealed for help and the trigger squeezed hard enough going off blowing her brains out. Blood splattered all over us and I wasn't satisfied. My son was still dead but she died a painful hateful death. Monster threw her body into the creamery and I sat there and watched her burn. Her body popped and sizzled and melted into nothing as she burned.

If you ever speak about this shit to anybody in this fuckin world I swear to god I will kill you way worst than this! Monster said sternly to Micah looking him in his eyes.

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