Chapter 34

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I felt like I was floating like I was here but I wasn't here. My body felt light but everything looked so normal around me. And even though I didn't know where I was I felt like I knew where I was.

Oh my god why the fuck do you keep crying! I heard a female voice yelling. From a distance I could here a baby cry or a toddler. I panicked getting up from where I laid to see if it was my baby.

I walked out the room and down a hallway. This house was old looking but furnished nicely just messy as hell.

I followed the crying and as I got closer to the kitchen the crying got louder. "Oh my fucking god! Shut the fuck up Austin!" A female yelled loudly. She hit him across his face making him cry even more. She than quickly ran to the kitchen sink putting his face in the dish water. My heart dropped into my ass and I ran over to her. She dropped Austin on the ground and he gasped and gasped for air. I tried to pick him up I but it's like I was transparent and couldn't pick him up. My heart was breaking into pieces. I cried for him and it was like Shalease was losing her mind.

You need to come get your fuckin son! She yelled into the phone. But she wasn't talking to Monster it was someone else on the line. Was Austin not Monsters son?

I don't give a fuck Trill come get him! Matter fact fuck you! She yelled into the phone hanging it up.
She dialed another number so quick. And she was crying. "Why don't you love me like seriously Monster why?" She cried. I looked over at Austin and he was crying walking out the back door. Shalease lit a cigarette and I heard a splash. I ran to the patio and Austin legs was sticking in the air and his body was face down in the pool. I screamed to the top of my lungs falling into the pool trying to help him but I couldn't he just Eliot through my hands and arms as he struggled to breathe. It's like his eyes locked into mine and he could see me. I could hear the screams of Shalease from outside the pool as Monster jumped in pulling Austin out the pool but Austin was already dead!


We have a pulse! Hey Queen I'm Dr Jane can you hear me? I heard yelling going into my ears and out the other. Bright lights filled the room and as my eyes was being pushed open I seen multiple people.

Ms. Dae can you hear me? I heard yelling again. I could feel my eyes roll back.

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