Chapter 78

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Yo I need a towel! I yelled to Alissa from the bathroom. I rinsed all the water off of me and turned it off.

I know this damn girl heard me. I took my rag and wiped some of the water off of me before rinsing my water out and hanging my rag up.

Yo I need a fuckin towel! I said loudly as I opened the door. Her room was literally across from the bathroom. She laid on her bed fully naked legs open so I could see her coochie as she layed there on her phone.

My dick got her a little bit but she sucked her teeth with an attitude and got up walking into the hallway and opened the door to the covered bored and handed me a towel out.

Thanks muthafucka! I said annoyed.

You hungry? She asked licking her lips. "Memeber I use to cook breakfast for you naked in a pair of Menolo heels you like."

Nah I ain't hungry. I said wrapping the towel around me and drying off closing the door. I put on a pie of boxers and a fresh pair of Nike sweats and a brand new T-shirt. I picked my phone up from the sink and noticed I had no missed calls or text or anything especially not from my wife. I logged into the security cameras and in our bedroom she was holding Austin swaying him back and fourth kissing his cheek like he was a new born baby to get him to fall asleep. My son really loved the hell out of Queen and she was doing an amazing job with both of our sons. I felt guilt knowing I should be there to help her take care of them. I need to hurry up do what I gotta do and move it along.

Here! Alissa said dropping a plate in front of me. It was beans and rice and chicken. Shit was one of my favorite meals.

Damn dude you ain't have to drop it like that!

Who's that your wife....she met Austin? She asked ignoring me and goin to pick my phone up.

Dude mind yo fuckin business.....

It's not fair Monster!

What's not?

Her.....having you! We have history! We been through a lot we was suppose to start a family.... You said you'll always be here to protect me!

And what am I doing Alissa? Instead of being home with my family where I should be I'm keeping my promise making sure a new don't come kill you! I could of easily hired muthafuckas but I gave you my word and my word is everything and I'm here! If you can't accept the fact that I do have a wife I did move on and I do have kids by someone else than ima have to let you rock out alone on this.

But why though? What does she have that I don't? I fucked you good, I cooked and cleaned for you, I helped you with your businesses, and I did shit for you the next bitch would never because I love you!

I got love for you to which is why I'm here right now.

You got love for me but you ain't in love with me?

No....I never was in love with you! I told you I had love for you and I always appreciated what you did and what we had going on it worked for us. We wasn't in no sort of relationship. I'm wrong for making you think in any way shape or form that we was suppose to get married or something of that context.

You really love her huh?

I do! She's my wife.

Get out!


Get out Monster....I'm not putting myself through this hurt and betrayal from you, I can protect myself get out! She started to cry.

I said I was gone stay here and protect you until I had shit figured out...

She grabbed my gun from the table and pointed it at me. "Get out!" She sobbed and cried.

You think that's smart?

Get out! I'll shoot you! No I'll kill myself! She quickly turned the gun to her pointing it at her head. "You don't love me and don't wanna be with me so why am I living? I'll make myself one less thing you have to worry about!"

Stop Alissa!

No! She was crying so hard with her finger on the trigger. "Ima kill myself!"

I got up and pulled her to me and she dropped the gun in tears as I planted my lips on hers. I kicked the gun away from her feet and deepened the kiss. Before I pulled away I starred into her teary eyes. I was officially stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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