Chapter 25

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Hey girl it's somebody standing outside looking into the windows. Eyonna said paranoid coming into the kitchen.


Yeah it look like a lady but I can't really tell. I'm bouta call the police.

I grabbed the gun from out my purse. Monster gave it to me in case I ever was gone have to protect myself or Ja'Kari and he want around. I walked to my front door and I could see someone peaking In my bushes from my living room window. I opened the door stepping out and pointing the gun.

Get the fuck away from my house or I won't hesitate to shoot you! I said sternly pointing my gun. I could hear the rattling from the other side. "RIGHT FUCKIN NOW!" I yelled

Don't shoot! Don't shoot! A woman's voice said from the other side. She stepped from behind the bushes scared.

Give me one good and got damn reason why I shouldn't shoot you in yo shit? I questioned really wanting to know.

Cause I'm your mother! She said softly. I haven't seen her look like an actual woman in I don't know how long. She looked decent. Maybe my brother did help her after all.

You stop being my mother a hell of a long time ago! How did you find my house?

I followed you home one day as crazy as it sounds! She said with tears dancing on her tongue.

You admitting that makes me wanna call the police.

Look I'm sorry Queen, I just wanna build a relationship with you. And fix everything I did wrong if possible. I'm different now....I'm me again! Look I'm driving! Can you believe it I'm driving a car me! I got my license and a job! I'm working on getting another house. Your brother been clean for 9 months! We are trying!

Oh because your trying I'm suppose to give you a chance in my life! Fuck no! Where was you at trying when I was 12,13,14,15,16,17, years old! Where was you trying when I was lost and confused and didn't know how to even use a pad or tampon? Where was you trying when I needed rides and ways to school? Where was you trying when you let that man rape me?! Huh?! Your not my mother and you never fuckin will be! I hate you with every bone in my body.! I will never ever give my son this sorry ass poor excuse of a fuckin apology or whatever the fuck you wanna call it! You make me fuckin sick. I wasn't able to have kids but by some grace of god I managed to carry a baby full term and birth him with no complications. My son will never ever I. His life know what it's like to have a poor excuse for a mother. Now get the fuck off my property before I call the police.

I wanted to be there for you....especially you! You where my baby my beautiful princess but I always knew you was gonna grow into a bright brilliant Queen. I know nothing in this world would ever and I mean ever show you how truly sorry I am for what I did or compare how i feel about you, but just know I love you! I never stopped loving you. And maybe one day we can sit down and talk and I can meet my grandson. She said crying with tears rolling down her face. I could tell I completely hurted this lady feelings.

You'll never meet my son Goodbye! I said folding my arms pissed. I wiped my face cause I didn't realize I had tears coming down.

I love you Queen! She said as she walked back to her car slowly. she got in and drive off. I have never seen my mom drive a car in my life.
I went back into the house and Eyonna ran over to me and I couldn't help but break down. I started crying so hard. I never in my life thought that would even happen

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