Chapter 105

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How you feeling baby girl? Monster asked as he came in the room. Soon as I told him I had a fever and felt sick he came running home.

I'm okay, my nose keeps running. Did Mary get here with the kids yet?

Yeah they downstairs playing. I got you some meds. Did you eat yet.

I don't wanna smell or look at any foods right now!

But! (I sat up and smiled. I pulled the pregnancy test from under the covers.)

What? He asked taking it from my hands. "Positive?"

It looks like it! I ran to the bathroom to throw up and noticed the faint line on it.

It wasn't like that last night!

Nope! So this could be a possibility....

Yes, once I feel a little bit better ima try and find a doctor out here.

Damn! You ready for this?! He asked with a smile.

Are you?

I already told you, im on whatever you on! Get some rest.

Can you lay with me, I could use the body heat.

Yeah but don't be tryna get me sick and shit!

Im not even that sick! I giggled as he snuggled up next to me.

Get some rest lil girl!

I woke up to Monster leaving me a small forehead kiss. "Where you going?" I asked feeling worse than what I already did.

I gotta go handle some business I'll be back in a few hours.

Baby please don't go!

I got to, I'm not even gone be gone that long. I just gotta meet with this new connect that Mac set up for me. I told Yonna to come and look after you.

Mac isn't your friend!! I said before drifting off to sleep.


I often was a good judge of character and never was wrong really. Me and Mac been boys since I was a child. He the only person that knows I killed my mother....he was there. I know the nigga had a bunch of loose screws but it's something about what Queen just said that wasn't sitting well with me. Never in my life did I ever think Mac would cross me.

What's up nigga! He said as I got in the car with him.

Shit man this Nigga keep blowing ma phone up, ready to meet you in shit.

Man ask him could we reschedule! Queen not really feeling good.

It'll just take a minute you know he a busy man! Getting a meeting with him is like getting next to god.

He really legit?

Fa sho!

He pulled off and headed down the driveway. I pulled my gun from my waist and put on in the head. He looked at me and smiled. Nigga was a crazy nigga!

He drove for a minute. We was like an hour and a half out. I didn't have no fuckin cell service. I was tryna call Queen to see if she was alright.

Nigga she probably fine let's go! He said as he took my phone. I got out the car and we was in some open field. It was another car that was pulling up. Mac went around back to grab a bag out. The other car door opened and to my surprise it was actually Ty.

What you doing here? I asked leaning on the hood of the car.

He nodded his head looking past me. I heard the click of a gun, as a bullet entered its chamber.

This what we on? I asked licking my lips. Mac pulled my gun from my hip as the barrel of the gun touched the back of my head.

It ain't personal bro it's just business! Mac said giving the bag to Ty.

It's most definitely personal now! What's up? I asked pulling the blunt from my pocket and lighting it.

I need that connect you already on top....I sat In prison for 5 years....

And? Nigga that was yo fuck up!

And it was yo kill! You took everything from me.

You took everything from yourself, Macon if you would of listened to me you wouldn't of never sat.

Listen to you for what? You not shit! You took everything from me since we was a child that's why I killed Mr.Seduku.

Wow? It was you? He was like a father to the both of us!

But he liked you more he didn't want nothing to do with me!

He seen the potential in you that you didn't see yourself and you kilt him? He was the most influential person in my life and you know what that did to me. I should of known the way yo ass was acting though.

Whatever like I said this not really personal it's business though. I need mine and I gotta get you out my way!

Any Nigga that has to take down another nigga in order to make some bread is a sucker. Just remember one thing you'll never be me!

I'm better than you Nigga! And don't worry i'll take care that pretty ass wife of yours. She young dumb and full of cum. With that pretty ass pussy of hers.

I'm going to kill you Macon! You a dead man walking! I said with a smile.

You already dead! He laughed raising his gun at me and let off shots. Each bullet that hit me felt like fire. I fell to the ground as I gasped for air.

I should put one right in the head! He said bending down to me.

Let's go dawg! Now! Ty said scared pulling at Mac. Our eyes was fixed on each other as I struggled to breathe.

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