Chapter 20

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Hi I'd like to set up a college fund and a savings account for my son! I smiled sitting across from the banker.

Okay what are you thinking? What do you want to start off with 1,000? She asked snobby!

Um no! I would like to deposit $50,000 into his college fund and the other 25,000 into his savings account. I said as I slid the check to her across her desk.

Of course Ms Dae! She said fixing her lips and smiling. "Oh I see he already has an account with us." She said with a smile.

Yes his God father already started a college fund for him.

It's for $150,000 dollars. You still Wanna add the other 50,000 in there?

Yes I do! It's a gift from his father! I said with a smile.

Okay right away! She smiled clicking some buttons and getting up scanning the check. Her face changed drastically when it passed the fraudulent check. Why can't people believe that black can have and do have money! Shit is so annoying. She printed some papers out and put them in a folder. "Okay Ms Dae, you are all set you will see this change within the next 24 hours. Can I help you with anything else?"

Actually you can! I'd like to deposit this into my savings account! I smiled slapping the 2 million dollar check on the desk. Her eyes widened even more almost falling out her head.

Right away! She said. "I just have to have my manager do this because of this large amount!" She said getting up. She waved her manager over and she  came right over to us. "Um my client have a check for 2 million dollars she'd like to deposit it into her savings account."

Okay! Oh wow you know her? The manager asked pointing to Mrs Jackson's name.

Yes, she's my son grandmother. I said with a smile.

Since this is a written check. I have to get verification. She said taking a seat grabbing her phone. The accountant closed the door as her manager pressed some numbers in the phone.

Hi Mrs Jackson this is Ashanti Gray from Jackson's Accountable bank! How are you today? Good! Well I'm sorry to bother you but I have a client with a written check of 2 million dollars from you and your account. I'm just checking to make sure it's no fraud!
.........yes ma'am I understand! Jackson's Accountable Bank! ............I'm sorry! Okay there will be no hold! Thank you for your time Mrs Jackson! She said before hanging up.
"Well Ms Dae I'm sorry about that. Your mom in law said to clear this check right away and to transfer another million dollars over to your account I'm sorry for the inconvenience!" The manager apologized. She started pressing so many buttons onto the computer. The accountant eyes widened every time. Did these muthafuckas own a bank! Maybe I should of named my baby a Jackson!

Okay Ms Dae you should see the amount reflected in your account by tomorrow. Can I help you with anything else?


I'm so sorry for any inconvenience that may have caused you!

It's fine thank you! I got up pushing the stroller out the office. They opened the doors for me and made sure I made it out safely. I texted Mrs Jackson soon as I got in the car thanking her for the money. I was just in shock!

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