Chapter 41

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Thank you baby! I smiled as I kissed my man on his lips.

You welcome. You got everything?

Yeah! What time is your flight?

9:30! So we got about 2 hours.

You know you really didn't have to fly all the way back here with me.

Yeah I know but I just wanted to make sure y'all made it back safe. You got my kids and I know traveling with a baby and toddler is complicated. You sure it's okay he's here?

Yes! Ja'Kari he is fine. You know he's attached to me at the hip. He can go to day care with the baby. He's fine!

You say that but I ain't here to help you or anything.

I know and I wouldn't take him if I didn't think I could handle it! I want Austin safe and I feel like he's safest with me here in Texas.

You know he's my life Queen....

I know, I know! You have my word that nothing is going to happen to him. That I'll protect him with my life that I promise to love him like he is my son.

Een! Een!!!! Austin cried tugging my leg. I picked him up and walking to the kitchen to get him a snack . I placed him at the table and opened the chips and poured juice in his cup.

When will you be back? I questioned wrapping my arms around his waist.

Two weeks. I need to tie some loose ends up than I'll be back here with y'all for a month or so.

Promise? No surprises? No time in jail? No nothing! A month!!!

I swear a month! He laughed wrapping his arms around my neck.



He said he moved to Texas?

Bitch yes he said him and my son moved to Texas! I'm fuckin pissed this is kidnapping.

Don't you have full custody of him?

No we have joint custody he's even taking me to court to get full custody! I can't lose my fuckin son! He's doing all the his over a bitch!

Who is the bitch!?

Girl remember the bitch Queen I was talking bout? That bitch!

Oh yeah the one he was just with the other day! What part of Texas they live in?

Fortworth I believe.

Oh yeah hold that! Let me call my cousin Halo she live in Fortworth Texas she might know her. She don't know about us bitch! We can get this bitched knocked off and your son back.

No dead ass I don't even know why Kari playing with me like he know I ain't that bitch.

Facts come on now Lease! Remember how we use to give it up. I swear having a baby made you soft Lease you use to be out here doggie bitches shooting shit up and all fuck that!

Feel me! KeKe! Like I'm really that girl I'll knock this bitch right off tonight.

Oh she texted back. She said is her name Queen Dae? And sent a picture this her right?

Hell yeah that's her come on KeKe!!!!!

She just sent me her address shit let's catch a flight right now!

Bitch let's go! I ran upstairs grabbing what I needed and we left out.

I booked the flights let's go! She yelled upstairs.

I'm coming right now. I grabbed my wallet and left to go downstairs. "That muthafucka not takin my fuckin son!"


Lyft is here babe! I yelled up the stairs to Queen.

Okay baby! She said coming down the stairs. "I cooked you something, and put some snacks in the bag!

Thank you baby! I pulled her close and kissed her.

Your welcome! She said opening the door. I wrapped my arm around her neck and she wrapped hers around my waist. Her little ass was so short. We walked outside and I could hear tires screeching as I looked up I seen a black truck pull up on the grass and three people jumped out.

What's up Monster? What's up Queen? A female voice said as she held a gun up. These had to be all bitches. They was dressed in all black and had ski mask on. I pushed Queen behind me and the Lyft driver drove off quick as fuck.

Where is Shalease son? Another bitch asked.

I have a gun in the house! Queen said softly behind me.

Don't move Queen! I said soft and low only she could here me. Queen moved from behind me to try to run in the house and the first bitch shot her. She fell to the ground holding her stomach.

You shot her! Another bitch yelled. I fell to the ground applying pressure to her body.

Baby look at me! Look at me! I yelled to her. She was trying hard to breathe. "I love you Queen!"

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