Chapter 43

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I know I haven't been updating in a while and I'm so extremely sorry i see you guys comments and messages but the beginning of this month on May 10th i was dealing with a very Close family death and than it was a mass shooting in my city (Buffalo NY) if any of my readers are from my city and was also affected by that I'm sending all my love and everyone is in my prayers ❤️ also if any of my readers are from Texas and was affected by the tragedy of the mass shooting there as well i just want y'all to know we stand with y'all and we are praying for y'all as well‼️❤️ LOVE IS LOVE ❤️



I sat in the waiting room thinking the worst thoughts. I felt like I was going through a million different emotions at once. My head rested between my two thumbs.

Your Queen Dae boyfriend? A doctor asked coming out to me. I stood up to greet him.

Yes, my name is Ja'Kari! I said extending my hand.

Have a seat son! He said after shaking my hand. I took my seat and he sat next to me. "That young lady in there is a fighter!" He said before taking a deep breath! My heart was beating a million miles an hour.

Is she okay? I asked getting to the point.

She's in recovery unfortunately we weren't able to get all the bullet fragments out but. We did have to perform a gastric sleeve surgery which is considered a weight lose surgery, on her in order to save her stomach. The bullet went through her stomach. She's been heavily sedated and she will be in an extreme amount of pain. She will be on a strict diet because for the sleeve surgery. And vitamins for life!

Okay! Can I see her?

Yes but since this is a Intense Care Unit the baby can not come. No visitors under 14!

What? Look Doc that's my girlfriend we have another baby and I'm new here in town I don't have nobody here to watch my son. I need to get in there to see her!

I'm sorry I can't! The baby can not come. You don't have any type of friends or anything?

Nooo! It's just us! I'm begging you.

Okay uhhh I can see what I can do..... his words was cut off and attention was taken away by three people at the desk asking for Queen. Micah, his twin and sister stood at the desk in awe looking to get answers.

Excuse me! He said getting up and walking over to them. I can see and hear him tell them everything that they needed to know. Micah sister started balling her eyes out.

Look I can only let two people back there at a time. The doctor said. "Maybe one of them can watch your son?" He supposed. I looked at him like he was crazy.

I can find my own baby sister!

Well I'm going back there now! Micah said angrily. This Nigga really pisses me off.

First my mom dies and now this! His sister cried wiping her tears. Damn they mom just passed? Queen said she was a nice ass lady!

I'm going to! Micahs twin said the doctor took them to the back without confirming. I was supposed to be the first one back there. I'm the first voice she supposed to hear.

My emotions and pride was getting in the way of asking her to sit with my child so that way I can be with my lady. I didn't know what to do right now.

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